gragnoks journal


Well-Known Member
Nice man! CONGRATULATIONS! 7 days is a big accomplishment! At 7 days as far as I know, there is a testosterone boost. Keep up the good work! You've got that momentum going to head to the next milestone.


Well-Known Member
Great man keep it up! Good self-awareness. Yup Hungry and Tired are literally FAMOUS addiction triggers lol. I am not a fan of 12 step but they have a few good ideas here and there. They have an acronym for triggers to be weary of: HALT. Hungry Angry Lonely Tired

Great plan to double down! That's inspiration and a reminder for me to double down as well!


Well-Known Member
Bummer about the lapse. Get right back on that horse! Even these little streaks help.... I remember when I started I straight up failed over and over at going like a week without PMO. Then I was able to get longer and longer streaks and my relapses became mo instead of PMO. So good to get right back on the horse and keep getting the longest streaks you can chipping away at these brain pathways more and more and more.

You got 13 days. Get right back to it.


Well-Known Member
gragnok said:
A new day one. Didn?t manage to get right back on the horse but I?m here now. Gonna give it one more shot. Idk I have hope, but also my pride it pretty hurt. I know I need 100 percent commitment. hoping maybe it will build with time. I actually have kept up exercising but feel less motivated when I do it, so double down on exercise. Also I?ve fallen off meditating.
Clarify why:
It feels like cheating to me. It feels pretty compulsive to me. It seems to escalate over time.
And how:
Less time home alone. Get out of the house. I really always talk about cooking but I?m gonna talk about it again. Not only do I need healthy home cooked meals, cooking also seems good and therapeutic. Exercise of course. Meditate.

Why one more shot man? Just keep at it, keep chipping away bit by bit. I feel you on the pride being hurt a bit, but look at this all as a process. One step at a time one day at a time. You've been putting in a great effort so feel pride in the effort you are putting in.