My Story and Advice on Recovering.. (5 Month Recovery)


Gambit- I didn't orgasm for 5 months till I had sex with my girlfriend and I still don't MO on my own- think this is the best way to go about recovery. However, they talked about this on the most recent Your Brain Rebalanced Radio show so check that out if you haven't already!

Iyon- Hows your recovery going?


Active Member
were your erection results gradual? I have been doing hard mode for 70 days...I think I have seen enough improvement to have sex, but I am hesitant. I am wondering if I should start having sex or way another month or 2 or 3 to see if I have even more improvements. I don't want to jeopardize the progress I have made! Any thoughts?


Gambit123 said:
were your erection results gradual? I have been doing hard mode for 70 days...I think I have seen enough improvement to have sex, but I am hesitant. I am wondering if I should start having sex or way another month or 2 or 3 to see if I have even more improvements. I don't want to jeopardize the progress I have made! Any thoughts?

Yeah so my advice would be that most of the recovery stories I have seen, there has been 100+ days- something like that- however, this varies from person to person. If i were you i would wait another 30 days and then try to have sex as otherwise you risk putting yourself back in a flatline. No problem in getting with a girl though and just not having sex?


Active Member
John Doe, just to be clear from your reboot story (great story btw) you ddint see any results until 3rd month? I think I am having a very similar reboot to you - long flatline (2 months) then start to see gradual results with mini-flatlines in between. I will be at 90 days hardmode at the end of the month! And just to confirm, you didn't O for 5 months?


Gambit123 said:
John Doe, just to be clear from your reboot story (great story btw) you ddint see any results until 3rd month? I think I am having a very similar reboot to you - long flatline (2 months) then start to see gradual results with mini-flatlines in between. I will be at 90 days hardmode at the end of the month! And just to confirm, you didn't O for 5 months?

Yeah thats right- and I'm still seeing improvements now which is remarkable! 10 months in


Active Member
Johndoe, thanks for checking in! I have been mia from this site the last several months because the more i logged in rhe more i thought about pied.

Tomorrow marks 6 months in hard mode! The process is starting to work. After seeing minimal results the first three months, i have seen good results the last three. Harder erections, better mw, and sustaining erections standing up. I tested maybe 6 or 7 times in the last 6 weeks(some inadvertent) and most tests went well and felt confident about sex. I feel that i am def on my way to curing pied but i am not there yet. My erections could still be better although ive made progress! I am.also out of my flatline which lasted over 4 months.

I am debating when try sex and have an orgasm since abstaining has been working. However, the purpose of the reboot is to get back to natural sex wout pills so obv i have to try sometime. I also have barely done any rewiring which i am sure would be beneficial. I am currently dating someone (been out only twice) and am not sure when try sex out w her, when to o, and whether i should use a little viagra to ease back into sex. I know these are all personal decisions and i guess i will figure these questions out eventually but any thoughts you have are welcome!!



Hey man, good to hear on the progress and good idea in keeping off the forums and keeping busy! Sounds like a relatively normal PIED reboot! Its great you see you seeming much more up than a few months ago! If you compare your old posts to this one you can definitely see a change. As for my advice for the next part of your journey, I have some stuff which may help;

Orgasms with partners can slow down a recovery substantially particularly if you have just come out of a flatline. Or they can even send you back into a mini flatline which sucks!

As for viagra, I would keep off it as I imagine it can play on your mind however, I have never used it. As you said, you want to have sex naturally so why not do it now.

Great to hear you are now dating someone, I presume from the sounds of it you haven't told her you are recovering from PIED? How do you feel about potentially doing so?



Active Member
Hey! Thanks for your advice. I came out of the flatline about 6 weeks ago. I feel like there is a point where you just need to try to have sex and o. Most people here seem to try before the 6 month point. Your point is well taken though about an o sending one back into a flatline if too soon...i have also spoken to others who said oing helped their reboot after a period of hardmode too.

How did you know you were ready to start having sex and oing with a partner??


Yeah so do whatever feels best for you. I made the mistake of O to early after the flatline and had negative side effects! When you feel like you won't get negative consequences from O then try it. If it does have a negative effect then return to abstinence. I think thats a bit of good advice for everyone who has come out of a flatline :)


Active Member
JohnDoe, did you reintroduce masturbation into you life after your reboot was complete? Out of curiosity are you still seeing improvement in your erection quality? many report that after the reboot and starting to have sex and Oing, they continue to see improvement for months after!


I haven't reintroduced masturbation and don't intend too for a long while! I have continued to see improvements for a long while and it's surprising how long this goes on for! It's ideal if you can orgasm without negative effects but be prepared for that not to be the case!


Active Member
Thanks for the awesome advice man! I was curious whether you had any specific tricks or mentalities that helped you be patient through the process? I consistently find myself feeling overwhelmed by how long 90 days sounds to someone who's only been clean about 2 weeks. /thanks again!



So how to keep yourself motivated is a really great question. Initially my first streak was actually 8 months abstinence but at 5 months I introduced orgasm with a partner. The most important aspect of maintaining abstinence for me is the mindset.

My mindset is that I don't want to P, M or O regardless of rebooting ect. When I abstain I have more time, more energy, and I am kept in better spirits. So now I just don't relapse. When abstinence is the only option then you don't have as much time to wonder whether you are going to relapse, and that thought of 'This is all pointless, I may as well MO' goes away because it isn't an option anymore.

I also have various point in my life where I know porn has impacted, and these have been reaffirmed by things such as the flatline that porn has damaged me. Think up some times in your life that reaffirm what porn has done to you and you won't relapse :)

My other bit of advice is too start getting excited and motivated. You're starting a really great process which will hopefully allow you to make massive beneficial changes to your life! Start finding things you want to be better at!

I started exploring new passions in life, some of which I wrote in my post here, such as meditation which I am constantly refining and adapting too. Find your own way to focus on other things than PMO and recovery. For instance spending time with your girlfriend! Challenge yourself to go do something completely new this week!
