Sexual Healing Baaaaaabbbyyyyy


New Member
I've made it 3 days with no porn use! Woo, I plan to keep this streak going for the rest of my life.

I originally posted in the teen forum but apparently it's not very active so I'm moving to here. Here's my first post from there:

19 year old guy with a history of porn use since 11/12 years of age.

Day 1 of reboot accomplished.

My goal is to get my member working properly and disconnect porn from my life so that I can enjoy natural sexual experiences in a healthy way. I'm a virgin but I'd like that to change at some point in the near future and I want to sort out my erectile problems and porn addiction before I have my first time. I also want to detach porn from my perception of sex and learn how to have healthy sexual relationships in the natural way with a caring romantic partner.

Let's do this! Any support and advice is very welcome.


New Member
Cheers quit, that's the plan!
I've made it 5 days so far which is good.

I've had urges to masturbate/view porn but it hasn't been as hard as I might have thought to stop. I've spent my days (and nights) working on projects, going to the gym and doing things with friends; nothing has changed except I don't spend any time looking at pornography when I have some free time, in between planned tasks or late at night.

Whenever I get an urge I immediately refocus on whatever the next thing is that I've got planned for the day. I've just made looking at porn not an option, it's a new unbreakable rule and I remind myself of that when I get any urge. Also, reading reboot nation forums at times of urges has helped.

I've also logged out of social media accounts so that I have to make an effort to log in and only do so when I have something I need to use it for - i.e not scrolling through a news feed.

Life is good, I just need to stay vigilant and disciplined. I'm not going to get too ahead of myself and underestimate the task at hand - it's by taking it seriously every single day that I know I'll get there.


Well-Known Member
Great man, absolutely ! You have the right mindset and I am glad you are aware to stay vigilant! Because sometimes there are easy times and other times there are difficult times but so long as we are prepped and vigilant we can move forward through all of them.

Keep doing what you are doing, you sre having success ans you can use that as leverage to keep doing even more of the good stuff!


New Member
Day 7 today and temptation has been huge all of a sudden.

A late night last night followed by an unbusy day has made today a struggle. I was slowly going down the rabbit hole leading to masturbating to porn where I looked at some pictures and then went onto a porn site. I stopped myself by hopping off the site within a minute or two and didn't masturbate out of sheer will but it's not something I want to make a habit out of. Retrospectively, it feels like it came out of nowhere but I'm quite self-aware and at the time can detect each little step which leads to the next - more on how I'm going to deal with this later in the post.

I also made sure to not let this little lapse lead into a complete relapse - there is a temptation to say "oh well, you've done this, what's a little more" - but I know that's addicted mind trickery and every single battle won is a step towards winning the war.

Can you guys let me know what warrants a reset of the counter? Does simply looking at pornography merit a reset?
I'm not going to be too focussed on the counter because my goal is to rid myself of this for life and I think that if I set intermediate goals I'll be tempted to relapse immediately after surpassing them (as irrational as that may sound). That being said, it's motivating to see that number going up so I'll check up on it every now and then.

I'm going to be clinical with this addiction now and not let it be a game of will-power; because will-power can only save me so many times.

I'm going to set up some barriers right at the top of this metaphorical "rabbit hole" (the small but escalating steps which lead to pmo) where it's much easier to control myself compared to once I've already started going down the path leading to pmo. Namely:

I will do 0 fantasising in my head.

I will not charge technology and will remove it from my room when I'm going to sleep.

I will avoid going to sleep later than midnight where possible.

Any sort of "masturbation" however small is a no go, e.g. in the shower to see what my current erections are like responding to physical stimulation alone.

No technology is to be used when I'm in the bathroom (except Bluetooth speaker for music when showering where my phone is somewhere else)

Also, if I start going down the rabbit hole - where I break any of these rules or I feel myself slipping a little - I'll take a break from whatever I'm doing, take some deep breaths, read some reboot nation forums, and remind myself what I'm fighting for.

Advice and encouragement is welcome and even wanted so if you can, jump on and leave a reply. I really do feel that if I have a group of people I interact with on here I'll feel much more accountable, I'll have a team to not let down!

- Bear