The Groups Emerging From Pornography Addiction (Young Guys)


Hey Guys,

This is a post which I have been thinking about for a while now and others have touched on. The idea of different groups of porn addicts and categorising us.
I am now a recovered 20 year old male after 5 months of rebooting and rewiring. Check out my journal for my story and advice/tips.

Anyways back to this idea of categories.

This is mainly aimed at young guys.

Group 1: Addicts to Porn-
These guys have strong changes in their frontal lobes called hypofrontality and find it hard to quit. However, commonly not all porn addicts suffer from sexual dysfunction problems which needs to be looked into. For example,  I know loads of guy who watch a crazy amount of porn but have no erectile problems or DE. For me personally, I was once a bit addicted but this wasn't too strong as I went cold turkey as soon as I realised I had a problem. I just wanna say good luck too all the guys out their struggling with this problem, you can and will beat it. This group also includes the guys with negative effects on their mental and cognitive abilities such as brain fog, anxiety, insomnia and depression.

Group 2: Guys with Delayed Ejaculation
This is clearly being linked as a pre-curser to PIED. Personally, I had DE for a couple of years which progressively worsened and then emerged as PIED which progressively got worse. Towards the end I couldn't get an erection without some sort of stimulant such as porn. I think the deal with DE is the beginnings of a guy not being able to be turned on by their partner, looking back on it, my DE was also strongly correlated to my libido. (i.e As my DE became worse, my libido also dropped). The other factor included within this is escalation which Gary Wilson has done a great job of highlighting. As you escalate your DE will worsen, this I'm sure of. A normal woman just can't keep up with what porn offers but this is not a good thing, this eventually reaches a point where girls are boring and porn is all that can turn you on.

Group 3: Guys with PIED
This has varying degrees just like all the stages. People tend to see this as you have PIED or you don't. I'm sure this isn't the case. In hindsight I found that at the start of my PIED I could still have sex but my erectile strength decreased ect. But months later with continued PMO I couldn't get an erection at all. I think this is missed out as porn addicts often don't have sexual encounters regularly enough to notice the slight changes which occur over months or even years. This isn't black and white but incredibly grey.There are stories of guys who can get erections to certain stimuli on one end of the scale and at the other end there are stories of serious cases when guys can't even get erect to porn.

Group 4: The mysterious Group: Guys with PIED but aren't really addicts- This certainly applied to me. This category splits with group 1. People like myself fit in here. I didn't find I was addicted to porn as everyone knows how it has individually effected them. I knew porn had made me incapable of having important emotions or being able to have sex so i had no problem in going cold turkey and i have never really had an urge to go watch porn since. However, as mentioned by a lot of the guys who do the YBR radio show (big thanks to them); Some guys find they cannot avoid a relapse and have huge urges similar to an alcoholic or drug addict. I think this category varies due to the ranging effects porn has had on the frontal lobes of different individuals. It would make sense that the most addicted guys would be the guys with PIED but this isn't the case at all. Often guys who are really addicted don't have PIED but they just can't give up PMO. However, There is an argument to be made that maybe the guys with PIED are more forced to give up PMO to recover as they are more scared of continuing symptoms. Similar to if a person has a heart attack due to obesity then that person is more likely to lose weight to prevent another heart attack than an obese person who is about to have one but hasn't yet. Nevertheless, this area needs to have a bit more research on it. Peoples thoughts are really welcome on this. Is it just because some people have stronger will power or is something else going on?

Group 5: Pretty much everyone else: Not enough is said about the effects of porn on the general population. I have noticed a problem with what is seen as 'normal' sex. Among a lot of my friends anal is normal as guys watching porn need more stimulation to be turned on and as porn influences what they think is normal. Its important to realise not just that people on these forums are being effected but the general population as well. The demise of guys by Phillip Zimbardo points this out. I have friends who have sex regularly with multiple partners who think it is normal to practice sex like it is seen in porn scenes, this too me is worrying as they are sexually training themselves for things humans aren't evolutionarily meant to do.

Cheers for reading,

John Doe6
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Excellent point you made on the end there.

My girlfriend is in the adult industry, which makes it easier and harder at the same time for me to kick it.
I won't go into detail though.
What I'm getting at is the way porn has unpacked society ad a whole.
Women are more frequently being expected to be these plastic perfects who react to sexual acts as flamboyantly and over the top as porn stars do. They're expected to do everything you see in hardcore porn, because to some people, especially in our age group, hardcore porn is all we have ever known.

It doesn't just impact our brains as users, it impacts everyone around us.


Yeah I figured this is an aspect that can be overlooked. Women are pretty much permanently objectified as sex objects by our age group due to the effects of porn. I used to be one of these guys and it takes a lot of work to get out of that frame of mind, I can imagine this would be harder for you with your girlfriend working in the adult industry? Does she know of your problems?


Yeah, she's aware of what I'm trying to change in my life and I couldn't ask for a more supportive partner.
She's helped  by making me see the other side of the industry, the side that shows that nothing we see online is actually real.
It's 100% artificial attraction and sex, thus receiving artificial satisfaction.

Why see the world when you got the beach?


Yeah it took me a while to figure out that what i was watching wasn't actually anything like real sex. People genuinely believe what happens in porn is normal and so they incorporate pornographic ideas into their sex lives; its impossible not too as eventually porn pretty much dictates what will turn a person on. This is huge when it comes to PIED and DE. Thats great to hear that she is supporting you with this. I think we got so caught up in porn that you even forget their is a cameraman filming the whole thing!