I need to change


All right, here goes. I'm 27 years old now, a student, and I discovered internet porn about 15 years ago. I was hooked instantly. It must have been ten years ago that I realized PMO was a problem for me, as I would just spend hours and hours masturbating to porn. The post-porn low would then leave me completely unmotivated to get up and do anything really. That is still the case today. Over the years I tried a couple of times to get away from porn, but never managed to go without porn for more than two or three weeks I think. Then over the last two years or so I have given up. I chose the path of least resistance and accepted porn as a part of my life. That was so much easier! Throwing away about every other day to porn became something normal. I became more and more desensitized to the porn I was watching and started searching out ever more extreme stuff. It's gotten to a point where I'm genuinely scared by what I use to get off nowadays. My interests have strayed far, far away from normal sex, I feel that not only with vanilla porn but also when I'm intimate with my girlfried.

My girlfriend and I have been together for almost four years now. We were never particularly active sexually but recently sex has completely stopped. Neither of the two of us intiates sex these days. She doesn't out of a couple of different reasons, I don't because I don't feel the urge and am not getting aroused. Today I understand that our relationship suffers greatly from that - apart from some cuddling, we just aren't intimate with each other. She does know I occasionally look at porn, the topic came up when we had to spend a couple of months living apart in the past, but she in no way knows about the scale of my porn consumption and my addiction. And I can't bring myself to tell her.

Looking for my triggers is difficult for me. PMO has almost become a reflex for me. When I'm home alone - well, that's the time I look at porn. It's just a habit I developed. Apart from that for me PMO is closely interlinked with procrastination. That was actually a reason for me to trivialize my porn consumption in the past. I just told myself, procrastination is the problem, porn is just my outlet for that. While that's certainly true, I understand now that it goes both ways. After reading about pa and what it does to the brain I now believe that my reward system is just utterly messed up. I have no drive to do whatsoever. If I have a task for work or for my studies I feel no motivation to do it. I keep putting it off, procrastinating, browsing reddit, playing video games, watching porn, untill the very last minute. Then I hurriedly do what I had to and instead of being proud for having done it, I'm mad at myself for having done it badly.

So looking at all that today it is clear to me that I need to change. My plan is to first bust that procrastination/PMO complex. At the moment I have a lot of free time on my hands because university hasn't started yet and I don't work a lot. It's that free time that's deadly at the moment. I just hang around procrastinating and PMO'ing. So my first step now is to get up and leave the house. Today for example I plan to do some long overdue shopping and then I'll drop by my university to do some work. Like that I won't hang around at home, might get something done and stay away from porn. I'll try to have some kind of similar plan set up for every day. I'll check in here in the morning to report on the day before and to write down the plan. That way I hope I'll stay committed to it.

All right. Thanks to everyone who read this post! I hope I didn't ramble on for too long. It felt good writing all that down however. I see a bit clearer now, I think. Well, off I go into my first day without PMO then!


Wow, I'm five days in now. That's quite an achievement for me! It's been a long time since I voluntarily went five days without PMO before... Feeling good so far. I think I actually flatlined now! Urges have pretty much gone away in the last two days and I'm just really calm. I can't trust myself however and that's why I resolved to leave the house today. I can't stay here alone, that's going to be too tempting. So I'll go to university and work on a couple of projects there. A little motivational bonus:

Reasons why I quit PMO:
- I waste a huge part of my lifetime with PMO.
- I endanger the relationship with my girlfriend.
- PMO emotionally numbes me, makes me irritable and brings out my antisocial side.
- PMO fuels my procrastination problem.

In short PMO turns me into a person I am not!

Hey Ben!
You CAN trust yourself, actually you are the person you can trust the most. Keep control and believe in yourself, YOU CAN DO IT! Anyway if it really urges, it is actually better to leave the house and get to do something of course! ;)

I'm now 8 days without PMO and already feeling better.

"In short PMO turns me into a person I am not!" Great phrase. I love it... I feel the exact same way!

I am 100% SURE we can both do this, just stay strong, you are not alone in this!




Thanks man, that's what I needed to hear! :) I'm on day 8 now as well and it's somewhat of an emotional rollercoaster. For once I'm immensly proud of that 8 days tag - I can't even tell when I last went for over a week without PMO! I've also been incredibly active and productive this week. And that lead me into a productive circle you could say. I get out of the house, get a lot of stuff done, that makes me proud of myself and that then gives me the motivation to get off my ass again to get done even more! I even realized that I spend a lot less time browsing the internet! I haven't even been to reddit! :D (That's huge for me.  ;) )

At the same time I start noticing my libido slowly coming back and that scares me, because I realize this might become harder... I had a wet dream yesterday and today I dreamt of watching porn... I remember I really struggled with myself in the dream, I didn't want to but I gave in in the end and then felt really shitty. Man, was I relieved when I woke up and realized it was just a dream. Still it raises a red flag. In the past I often relapsed for real after a dream relapse. So thanks, Siviaggiare, for your words of encouragement, they brought back an optimism I was about to lose...

So yes, we can beat this! See you on day 9! :)
I realized that too, I surf the internet less and videogaming less, and instead I naturally get involved into more social and active activities!

It's crazy ! Last night I had the same dream! I dreamt of watching porn and relapsing and woke up freaking scared because I believed I relapsed!
I think we shouldn't see that in a bad way.. Since we are so scared of relapsing our subconscious makes us nightmares about it... I think it can be seen as a sign of the fact that we REALLY want to stop at any cost!  :D

Don't ever give up on your optimism! You are going well so far and you still will ALL THE WAY man! I won't relapse and you won't neither!

Keep it strong! PEACE

P.s. little advice: Talking to girls can really help. I mean, no big talking, you don't have to flirt with them or whatever. Just talk to them when you have the occasion (school, work, when you go shopping). Just a few words and a smile can make you realize there are real girls out there worth it, and will make you stronger in forgetting about porn and focusing on the real thing. The amazing thing is that these girls are people! It might seem crazy to say but I'm sure it's not for us (EX) addicts, they smile, they are insecure sometimes and they wanna have some fun in life just like us... I think once you realize girls are "just" people it's much easier to talk to them, and (at least in my experiencing) is helping a lot in making me forget about porn (even if I still didn't have any intercourse of any kind since last PMO) :)


Day 9 and I feel... fine! :) Yeah, I really do! No real urges, the dream I had didn't throw me off course. How crazy, that you had the same dream, Siviaggiare! :) I guess you're right, the fact that the dream wasn't about how good it would feel to give in but rather about how bad it would feel, is probably a good sign! Change is possible!

Thanks for your advice Siviaggiare, but speaking to girls was never really a problem for me. Since I started my studies I have always been in a faculty that is absolutely dominated by women, men are definitely a minority here. So I was always forced to talk to women. What has changed for me is that I actively try to go out and meet people. Tonight I'll be on a birthday party, tomorrow I'll be at a concert and on Sunday I'll meet a group of friends. A schedule full like that of social activities is something I didn't use to have... Siviaggiare, you talked about the question whether those changes are really the consequence of us quitting porn or whether it's just a placebo. That's something I've wondered about myself. But what's important is that those changes are real! I love the way this past week has changed my ways and I want it to be a permanent change! So let's make it one.


Well shit. Back on day 0. :(
The feeling I'm taking away is how it was absolutely not worth it! What just happened gave you nothing! Nothing at all!


Still day 0, I relapsed again. But I am hopeful. I feel incredibly bad this time around, I'm really, really down. Bad mood, no drive at all - I feel just horrible. I want to remember that feeling, so I can tell myself the next time, hey, it's not worth it. Sure you'll feel the jolt of excitement when you cave in to PMO, but the down that follows is devastating. Maybe I can harness that feeling to be more determined in my next attempt at PMO sobriety.


Oh, kmon man! You gotta understand the process and then make a choice and forget about it like it was never a part of your life.
Shoot me a pm with your email I have something for you.


It's been a rocky couple of days for me. After my legendary 11 day stretch in late September I have entered a constant up and down. I have been fighting, but I haven't been winning. I know Pazdingo is right. The only real way is to make a decision and then just accept that decision and keep with it. I just can't seem to get there. That's what I'm thinking at the moment at least. You see, I'm a bit demoralized. Over those three last weeks I learned something about my triggers though. I have been watching myself and I find that my top triggers are:

boredom and habit I have half of the day off and not a lot to do. PMO time. I get home early for some reason and therefore have some extra time on my hand. (haha) PMO time. (Irks me because - God! - just imagine what I could use that free time for! Learn something new, do something fun!)

stress If I have a stressful couple of days, as soon as I have time to lay back a bit I automatically use that time for PMO. (Which is stupied because PMO doesn't relax me and doesn't recharge me in any way!)

pressure / anxiety If something doesn't go as planned, if I'm under a lot of pressure for some reason I feel I have to get away from it. The only way I seem to be able to block out my fear / the pressure I'm under seems to be PMO. (But PMO will never solve my problems. Only aggravate them!)

I don't really know how to counteract these triggers, as they are often based on a feeling of powerlessness for me. But I'm determined to pick up the fight. My first goal is to beat my own best of 11 days PMO free. I remember how great I felt towards the end of that stretch. I had so much energy! I felt like I was more and more regaining control over my life! Comparing that to the complete apathy and emptiness of my post-PMO lows should be motivation enough! I can do this!