This is my story...


I'm not sure just yet how important my "story" is.  I don't really need to tell it for my benefit. I've lived it. Experienced it. Been intimately involved with all the up's and down's and triumph's and disappointments. So, maybe by sharing my story it can help someone else, even if its for one more day.

I'll split this up into different segments just because it can be rather long.  I'll try to focus on what is important instead of just the emotional fluff.  I hope this helps.

"Set up the Domino's"

My dad left for another woman when I was about 3 1/2 years old.  I don't remember anything about it.  My sister states that she remembers our dad driving up to the house, with the other woman in the car, coming into the house and getting his few belongings and then leaving.  He never said "Good-bye", "I'll miss you", "I'm sorry", nothing.  He just left. 

Mom, trying to do the best she could with what she had, married 3 other times.  Dad #2 was both physically and emotionally abusive to my mom to the point where the cops were called out to our home.  Dad #3, threatened my mom by stating if she doesn't do exactly what he wants then he will hurt my sister and me.  Dad #4 was even more interesting.  One particular time when I came home from the military on vacation, he saw me drive up and then disappeared for three days.  Never saw him during my time at home.

We moved often.  That meant changing schools.  I never really made close friends and the kids that were around me let loose with every type of name calling imaginable.  Specifically, "You're weird", "You're gay", "You're a fag", etc..... Even the kids from the church youth group began to join in with the name calling.  I'm one of those guys that believe the rhyme "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" is a complete lie.  Having a missing father figure and name calling during the first 18 years of my life set up the domino's for bad decisions as a young adult.

Key thought: The domino's were set up perfectly for me to make poor decisions. Really bad examples of men in my life who were supposed to be a father figure, name calling everyday of my life - at least it seemed that way, and even the church kids joining in with cruel words.

Life is filled with dis-appointments and I eventually began to believe the negative things that were happening in my life more than the good things.  I lost my focus.  I lost my way.  I began to believe a lie that I wasn't important.  I wasn't needed.  I wasn't worthy of anything.  I began to believe the lie of what other people were saying.  I began to accept the lie that was all around me.  These feelings of inadequacies were soon replaced with an intense excitement when a friend of mine showed me a pornographic magazine.  That's when he also taught me about masturbation.  From that moment on, I was HOOKED! 

Today's Challenge: Don't listen to what the world tells you, you'll fall every time.  Make intentional decisions for your life that will motivate you to succeed. Become the better you that you have always wanted to be. 

Remember, if I@andothis, then so can you.



Active Member

Thank you for sharing your story, I will sure follow it!

You have come a long way singe the first posts and now reflecting on it taking it back as far as you can remember sure will be a good exercise in making sense out of it all.

Stay strong and be Blessed!