Touch only?


Hi, so I am currently on day 28 of no PMO and this is my first post. I came to know that i had pied when i tried putting on a condom while jerking off to porn. but my erection was very weak with the condom on and i could barely ejaculate.Since then i tried no PMO but relapsed every other day until 28 days ago.

My question is that last night i fantasied about a real girl and got hard stroked for a few seconds but as soon as I stopped fantasizing my erection went away, is this a problem ?? because i have read multiple times that getting hard by TOUCH ALONE is considered normal. Does that mean I still have pied. I know that recovery takes time but i was just curious.
Please help
Thank you in advance.


Only sure way to know if you have PIED is to go for sex. There are no reliable tests for PIED except naked girls who agreed to be intimate with you. Matter of fact, all the tests for PIED are extremely bad idea as they promote lonely pleasure and can reactivate porn pathways in the brain, making them stronger after each test.

Getting hard by fantasizing or watching porn is not a sign of recovery from PIED. Spontaneous erections, morning wood etc. Only way to know is to have a girl friend.

Getting hard at the thought of sex will get easier and easier as you deprive your brain from porn for longer because it is starving for anything sexual. Do not feed it with thoughts and strokes, let it go so you can be free.



Active Member
Put your boxing gloves on're in for a fight, and from what I'm reading about people that have kicked it for months or's worth every punch.