We can do it if we don't give up



Shit, man, this withdrawal is hard. Porn is all over my mind, I can't think straight. It's around day 9-10 when things get difficult. I've relapsed many times around this mark.


Well-Known Member
Ok, Yes, It is very hard indeed. But you've identified this time as extra sensitive for relapse. Do you have any stategies / a plan for dealing with it?

From my experience if you just try to wait / sit it out and hope for the best it's very likely that a relapse will happen. You cannot simply will your urges or addiction away. You have to give your brain an alternative.

Is there something that you can do? clean out a closet or something? A task that can be done in a couple of hours that will also give you a good feeling about yourself when finished.

Good luck my friend
Hi Icandoit,
As you say, everything is in your head. Do something that keep you head busy. Go out to jog while listening to music. Write down a list of goals you want to accomplish in the next week, month, year. Do it in paper so you don't have the temptation in front of you. Call a friend or family member you have not talked to in a while to catch up. If your relapses are while using a laptop, turn it off of place it on top of your closet or simply away from your immediate access. Cook something you would like to try, if you don't know how to cook, aim at learning to do so with something simple. Keep your head busy.
Wishing you the best!


Day 2

I relapsed 2 times in a row but, this time, I didn't binge in neither of them which was good for my brain. I didn't fuck myself up completely like I used to but I, of course, feel that "post-relapse flatline" that I go through for several days. Because of this flatline, I don't feel too good. It's like the "life inside of me" is asleep.

It annoys me how this addicted brain does things. How it "forgets" the misery, how it does give a fuck about the big picture and only wants the fix. In the heat of the moment, I forget all the misery that waits for me for days afterward. Again, not binging has actually been the best thing in all this. I don't remember when I didn't binge last time. I'm fucking tired of not being balanced. I alternate between feeling too aroused and feeling lethargic.


Well-Known Member
On the positive side though, you didn't binge though right? I feel in the quest for 'the perfect streak', we forget to recognize how important things like this are. I feel this is important as things like not bingeing or not succumbing to the chaser multiple times before getting back on track is a sign the strength & mechanisms of this addiction are slowly breaking down.

You said awhile back you had a goal to lose a certain amount of weight I believe? How's that going?


Orbiter said:
On the positive side though, you didn't binge though right? I feel in the quest for 'the perfect streak', we forget to recognize how important things like this are. I feel this is important as things like not bingeing or not succumbing to the chaser multiple times before getting back on track is a sign the strength & mechanisms of this addiction are slowly breaking down.

You said awhile back you had a goal to lose a certain amount of weight I believe? How's that going?

Man, I haven't been doing shit. I know, this is not alright.


Day 5

I've been here thousand times. The craving for porn has started so did porn dreams. I can feel the routine trying to sneak in and lead me back to relapsing on my free days. I'm tired of binging on my free days and then going to the first day of work feeling lethargic and overwhelmed by everything mentality.


Well-Known Member
Hey Buddy, with the upcoming free days; have you tried making a planning for those days to keep yourself occupied. As you've said it yourself you've been here quite a lot. What is it that you can do to change it this time? Can you do something in the house? Go to a friend or family? Do some exercise?

You have to stay strong for a couple of days after that it will get less intense!

Good luck buddy i'm rooting for you!


ShadeTrenicin said:
Hey Buddy, with the upcoming free days; have you tried making a planning for those days to keep yourself occupied. As you've said it yourself you've been here quite a lot. What is it that you can do to change it this time? Can you do something in the house? Go to a friend or family? Do some exercise?

You have to stay strong for a couple of days after that it will get less intense!

Good luck buddy i'm rooting for you!

Man, I don't really know. I'll see what I can do.


Well-Known Member
Hey Man, no worries it doesn't have to be profound. For all I know clean out the refrigerator haha. But try to think about stuff like that. I do know that on days when I'm home alone and I don't have a plan, i tend to relapse. Now for instance the wife is going out and this is perfect for relapsing but I got a plan in place; I am going to do 15 minutes of work out then play 30 minutes on the playstation and then do the dishes (when the dishwasher is ready).

Good luck buddy
Is loosing weight still one of your current goals? If so, why don't you invest some time and effort in making it happen. You could, for example, establish a small daily working out routine, read about healthy eating habits, learn to cook a couple of healthy dishes on your own, etc. Be proactive, focused, and in control. The lack of these, could lead you back from where you want to move away from.


Day 8

I'm struggling. And it's not like I have a month away from porn. It's too fuckin early for this shit. Difficulties start around a week mark every fuckin time.


Active Member
That's normal and we all know about the power of autopilot. There seems to be no way out, but there is. Give yourself the time you need to find the right way through this period.

In general, pick a goal that you want to achieve but you can't because of PMO. I've posted about the theory behind it somewhere else, but it will weaken the urge.


Well-Known Member
Hey Buddy how are you doing over there? Even when times are rough we are here for you! please give us an update on how you're doing.
Doesn't matter if you're doing great or bad! We are here nonetheless