This Matters


Active Member
Back to hour 1.  My goal is 14 days again; I've done that before and I'll do it again.
This is hard work for me.  So much turmoil with relapse and resolve not to relapse.
When I started my last successful reboot I was going awesome.  Then I got the flu and its been a struggle up hill since then.  This flu is lasting for ever too.  When I didn't have the flu I could exercise everyday, take cold shows and I felt like a man.  I felt like I was taking action.  Then I had to reduce exercise and no cold showers until the flu goes.
Anyway, in the mean time here we go. I'm a porn and hook up site addict.  Its a problem that has interrupted my life by taking my valuable time and giving me nothing in return.  I must get my life back!


Active Member
Keep going man and I hope you get well soon!

Your subject title is perfect as this does matter. Like you mentioned, porn addiction has given me nothing in return. It promised me pleasure which it hasn't delivered. Only a short term release in isolation and resulting in shame and so much more

Day at a time my man, day at a time. We can do this.