Rebuilding trust


New Member
I am a married man, 31 years old with 2 boys (1 and 4) by my wife. We have been married for nearly 6 years and have been together or been friends for 15 years.

I am a porn addict. I have been a porn addict since I was a teenager, though it has only been during the past year that I have honestly learned to acknowledge it and recognize the problems it has created. My wife is a very beautiful and sexual woman and has always been adventurous, willing to try anything and aggressively attracted to me. You would think that was what any man would dream of but for years I have been standoffish in the bedroom. She has been open about her frustrations, always, but only in the past year has she come to realize the depth of my porn usage. Having given me multiple opportunities to right myself on my own she has reached a breaking point. She would never cheat on me...but she would leave me if I continued to hurt her this way. She hasn?t given me any ultimatums per se but I can feel that storm looming. I have tried to quit in the past, and quickly failed each time. This time is different. This time I feel the weight of my marriage on the line. This time I must succeed.

I haven?t watched porn for 28 days. The longest stretch since I hit puberty. While that is progress I have a lot of work to do to rebuild trust with my wife. I have lied to cover my porn addiction over and over and while she is supportive in my recovery and understanding of the problems I face the trust doesn?t return overnight. My wife and I agreed to seek individual counseling to improve the things we feel are harming our marriage. I have my 2nd such appointment tomorrow. The first one was last week and he encouraged me to visit this forum. Only tonight did I decide I was ready to share my story. I will add more of my story soon as I intend to post at least weekly, hopefully more. I will also add notes on my progress. Thank you for reading and I look forward to rebooting.


Well-Known Member
Hey man,

Welcome on here. You've made a very big step towards recovery; admitting that you're addicted and you've also taken steps in beating it, for instance by coming on here. You will find a myriad of different people on here from different walks of life. But we all share one thing; the goal to rid ourselfs from porn addiction.

I look forward to reading more from you and your journey. Also, take a look at he other guys threads on here. They contain a lot of recognizable thing as well as tips and tricks for the time to come.

Good luck and stay safe


Hey Nomorelies,

You did good in the last few weeks. Your situation is an hard one, but your goals are worth it. One thing that helped me in the past to make it to the long run is to individually and cognitively accept the fact that PORN is not an option in my life anymore. During reboot, you must have noticed that there is always this little "interior dialogue" that is saying: "well I made it this far, maybe I can congratulate myself with one relapse, just one..."  :eek: By adopting a strict attitude toward yourself in these specific moments and telling you that "PORN DOES NOT EXIST FOR ME ANYMORE", you will be able to continue on your streak. Wish you love and hard work man! 
Ben B. said:
Hey Nomorelies,

cognitively accept the fact that PORN is not an option in my life anymore. During reboot, you must have noticed that there is always this little "interior dialogue" that is saying: "well I made it this far, maybe I can congratulate myself with one relapse, just one..."  :eek: By adopting a strict attitude toward yourself in these specific moments and telling you that "PORN DOES NOT EXIST FOR ME ANYMORE",
Good guidance. "P on NOT an option in my life anymore. I like these words.

Congrats nomorelies for sharing this problem and seeking aid. Keep going and you will beat this addiction, returning the trust of your wife in the process.