Stevew said:
Painful seeing old posts on this forum. Still haven't beaten this. I read the EasyPeasy guide, felt great, relapsed and havent gotten back to that undeaftable mentality. Saw a physcosexual councelor a few years ago, didn't really help me to be fair, spent the first 4-5 sessions convincing her that porn addiction was a thing and could cause ED. Don't know where to go. I don't want to kill myself but i do feel trapped in a sort of pergutory, getting older (almost 24) and still haven't been able to have a relationship because of the ED side effect.
Buddy, I'm you, but worse. I'm 25 and been an addict for close to 7 years now, and I too feel like I'm at the end of my rope. In fact, I've recently made a post along the lines of this. So I'll try to offer some advice.
Firstly, you aren't alone in this. Everyone here has/had a seriously crippling porn problem. We've all suffered because of it, and you and I both continue to suffer. But we don't suffer alone, and there have been countless people worse off than us and addicted longer who have quit. We can too. I don't have ED that I'm aware of, but I've got a plethora of other issues, mostly mental in nature. I've had 2 mental breakdowns and came an inch away from a third. And I too have knocked around the idea of suicide. Like I said, I'm you, but worse.
I've been involved with several women in my life, all after I became an addict. Almost all of my relationships have suffered significantly due to porn. And I've put off God knows how many prospective partners because of my porn-addled mind. I've come to realize that a relationship is impossible. Until I'm sober, I'll continue to push women away. I've said and done hurtful things because of what porn has done to my mind. In my present state, I'm unworthy of a good woman and a good woman doesn't deserve to suffer from me as I am. Therefore, I've given up on finding a relationship until I'm sober. I'm the kind of person who always naturally tries to win over girls, but porn has corrupted me to the point that I'm more miserable trying to find a woman than not, and I always end up the same either way: Alone. So I've sucked it up and decided to focus on myself and my recovery and to not try to date anyone until I'm at least 90 days sober. The ladies deserve me sober and nothing less. I recommend you avoid women too until you better yourself.
Another thing: Exercise is your friend. Not an acquaintance or someone you see every other weekend, but a best friend that you spend as much time as possible with. For me, it's extremely hard to motivate myself to work out, especially with the lethargic mindset that porn creates. But if you ignore every instinct and excuse that tells you to just blow it off, you'll find your outlook completely different. Your mind will be clear and you'll feel energetic and optimistic. Life will seem colorful again. Your craving will be reduced and the ones you get will be much more manageable. For me, exercise is an imperative. For you, maybe less so, idk anything about you. But I know it'll help, no matter who you are.