Helping those in my previous shoes


Active Member
Hello, I wanted to quickly share some things with you that helped me the most with obsessive porn use. My use has gone drastically down although I do like to see it every once in a while for fun. But I dont feel an unstable shaky rush that I used to from it, i think thats due to releasing of shame I had around it. Shame is like the emotional bond that made it so tempting; its tempting because its forbidden and shameful. the habitual feeling of shame wanted me to do it so that it could preserve  and perpetuate that feeling of shame like a vicious circle. ever read about the ego? it wants to survive as the false self you identify with. break the identification, become aware, forgive yourself. its not inherently shamefull or bad, it is what it is and it just so happens that it could become a disempowering life habit if done compulsively because of our biology, thats all.

Oh and try this subliminal track. dont be scared, their tested and proven effective, it contains antiporn content and its awesome for mindset and all around life enhancing:

Hope this help