44 year old, planning for nofap oct,nov,dec


I am a 44 year old, last relationship ended 3-4 years ago. I am in a good job, have a decent life, work out regularly, but always had this tendency for Pmo that would stop me from going out and meeting new people, whenever I have an urge, will pmo, just like others I have started going over multiple videos before settling on one, probably suffering from ed too, last couple of months have been worse as sitting in home all day.
Trying to stop pmo for the months of oct,nov,dec as the first step.
Need help from people to support.

Today is Day 4.



Respected Member
Hi Jayd,
Welcome to the forum!
Its great that youve taken this first step, because now youre on your way to recovery.
How long have you been into PMO?
Was it ever an issue during previous relationships?
In additiona to the floppy cocks, have you experienced or are experiencing any of the other symptoms (non-sexual) that come with PMO addition? Such as severe brain fog, anxiety, depression, lethargy etc.


Well-Known Member

Stick around, read some posts, contribute where you can, ask questions when you hit obstacles.

This rarely happens first try, but you can make steady progress.  Don't get discouraged by setbacks, just learn from them and get back on it as soon as you can.  It will take a lot of your mental and emotional energy and focus, but the reward is great.