Madaemosewa's Journal


Getting back in the saddle
I came across after I became aware porn was the reason for my anxiety. Brilliantly- It has helped me a lot get off porn and led me to this site, which is even better! It couldn't be any later, however, since I've lost all my friends, and generally I'm prone to being abused very often. Moreover, porn was responsible for my motivation do disappear, my concentration therefore to diminish and my memory leaving me. Expectedly, my grades lowered- Gone were the days of my A*-A grade performances and into a new time where my motivation was so low, my concentration and attention to work were completely gone and my grades slipped from A*'s to A's to C's and finally then to U's.
YBOP has helped me lots. Looking at YBOP, it's got all the relevant facts about the consequences of ''watching porn'' here... (, but what annoys it does not quite talk about the serious impacts of porn onto the mental health of the viewers, nor their lives, more just states the facts without conveying the huge impact of them on millions of people's lives. Moreover it doesn't cover anything like illegal porn, or related topics like shock sites (I don't recommend
looking at since they f***ed me up)... Looking back at that thought that millions of people are affected by PMO'ing and other relating things (Eg- shock sites), I think that YBOP should give a clear, dis-ambiguous message to people that unlike mentioned in ( that MO is good, instead, that PMO is bad, as people infer from YBOP themselves here, and from their own problems ( This article states that ''subjective arousal while watching porn is the main predictor of degree of problems from Internet sex (as opposed to time spent watching and various other factors)'' which suggests that even MO, without the P is still very damaging- which it is.
Since my grades lowered however, they've picked up back to A's with revision. YBOP and my experience tells us that motivation is key to success as it gives you the concentration and ability to memorise info, which comes from not, or stopping watching any inappropriate site.
Welcome Madae,

Thank you for sharing your story buddy. I can relate to your story a great deal and that's what troubles me, is that people have to go through hell a type that they did not warrant or deserve. Abuse is unacceptable, it's not only unkind but inhumane in every sense of the word. Reading the concluding part that your grades were picking up did put a smile to my face. There always is a silver lining mate, you will recover and everything that you think is missing will return. I promise you that, if you always do your best, you'll be fine.

Be Well


How to reboot; not reset!​
Porn has affected me greatly and has messed up more than a year of my life. My grades, relationships and mental health- All gone.
What seemed to of helped though is reboot nation, especially. What's worse of all, and I know I should avoid, but can't, are the thoughts which lead me to view porn and from then on, like an addict, I cannot get off even if I tried. These are what should be avoided, and I've been trying to for days, overcoming the temptations to watch porn. In my opinion, being preoccupied in something constructive is a really good thing, although it has to not be on any device you'd watch porn on.
I viewed porn however today, but managed to get off it not to long later. This is an improvement. I will try to not go on it. Also, good motivation seems to be key to avoiding porn in this hellish and arduous journey, which could be conjured from rethinking the reasons why you decided to get off porn in the first place (the hell you've been through).
Also, even better you'd be cool like this guy! Yeah, you know, that guy.. .Obama, but it's up to you.


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Well done for acknowledging the harms of porn. Believe me, it's not 'all gone'. The key is don't be too hard on yourself when lusty thoughts arise, just acknowledge, try and question what triggered them then gently discard them.

Enjoy your weekend Madae


the beginning is always tough, you must get through this

if everything has gone, it is only going to be better ;)


Have you watched this video? It might help strengthen your motivation:

also, this podcast by three young guys might be of interest: