What are some things that have helped you stay away from it?


New Member
Hi everyone. I'm really trying to quit using porn and masturbating. It's been a real struggle. There are times where I just go into auto pilot and don't realize until it's too late. What are some techniques you use to help you stay away from it?


Well-Known Member
Knowing your triggers.  If you wait until you're ready to bring up that first website, you waited too long.  What you call "auto pilot" I usually call "zombie mode", but the same thing.  With each trigger you become more and more Zombie like.  What makes you want to look at porn?  What do you normally do before looking at porn?  Figure those things out.  Maybe it is a certain time of the evening... find something else to do at that time.  Maybe thinking about an ex makes you depressed and want to look at porn.  Come to terms with that.  Social media?  Probably has to go.  Triggers come in all shapes and sizes.  Some are sexual, some are emotional, circumstantial, or just completely random.  Remember that Pavlov's bells had nothing to do with the food; that is what made the experiment so interesting.  Sometimes those triggers have their own sets of triggers and you have to follow them backward.  The more you're able to recognize them the less power they will have.  Even if it is something completely unavoidable, if you can just take a deep breath and acknowledge "I'm being triggered right now", then it'll have a lot less influence.  Sounds stupid, but it works.


Respected Member
One of the biggest tools for me in my recovery was to write down a list of all the many ways in which porn addiction had fucked up my life. It was a pretty long list let me tell you! When I felt the urge to look at porn or felt triggered, I would go strait to that list, (I had a hard copy in a notebook and also one on my phone for easy acess), and lookig at all the things I was instantly filled with disgust and repulsion which eliminated any urge to do it again. Why on earth would I want to do the thing that has caused all these disasters in my life?! It was really helpful.