How many days into reboot before being able to perform penetrative sex again?


Hey guys, I was just wondering if anybody was willing to share how many days into their reboot were the able to penetrate again.  It doesn't have to be consist, it could have just been a one off thing that went away again.  I know everyone is different, I just want to gage what I could expect as I have yet to be able to and I am approaching my 30 day mark.


That can literally be any day, depending on the person, their history, damage they've done, circumstances etc. Also, just because you can do it once doesn't mean you will be able to do it again. I was able to have successful sex at dah 15. Then failed at day 18, most likely because it was too early to try again and I was jn a heavy flatline. Having successful sex once doesn't mean you are cured, having successful sex consistently does. Also everyone is different so try to not compare yourself to others, some can have sex at day 15, some at day 60, some at day 254.


Well-Known Member
Conan said:
That can literally be any day, depending on the person, their history, damage they've done, circumstances etc. Also, just because you can do it once doesn't mean you will be able to do it again. I was able to have successful sex at dah 15. Then failed at day 18, most likely because it was too early to try again and I was jn a heavy flatline. Having successful sex once doesn't mean you are cured, having successful sex consistently does. Also everyone is different so try to not compare yourself to others, some can have sex at day 15, some at day 60, some at day 254.

This. Everybody is different. Look out for your own signs.