How do you guys deal with the embarrassment of going out/partying?


All your friends are getting laid, you can't do shit. You kiss girls in clubs but you don't take them home because you know you can't fuck them. It happens all the time. Friends raise their eyebrows. You don't have a girlfriend, they all do. You're the odd one out and everyone can see that you're a lame duck.

It makes me feel like utter shit and makes me not want to go out. What's the point?

Last time I went out was back in July. One of my friends, as a joke, described me to another guy standing there whom we didn't know as 'impotent'. He was joking as he said it but the fact is there. He fucking knows it on some level.


I was in a similar position, I still hear about the time (march) when I didn't take a girl I hooked up with home. In an unrelated incident my 2 closest friends seriously asked me if I was gay, even though I had been going out with a girl for months just 4 months before they asked me. It was pretty insulting tbh. Although I've come to realize the majority of this particular group of friends are immature anyway, it was a 24/7 banter session with no actual discussion about anything when I was with them. So I started hanging out with different people. Maybe you could re-evaluate who your close friends are, or maybe not. Something to consider.

My advice would be next time just take her home anyway and test your luck. Even if you know you won't get hard just say that you're too drunk to get it up and go down on her and enjoy the moment of being with another person. I believe this can be very encouraging for the reboot, it reminds us to keeping our eyes on the goal.