if I have been recovered


a college student, and I am almost 20. these days I just realize that I've gone with this addiction since I was a little. that's weird, because I can't remember how exactly did I start. I knew the word 'masturbation' and its meaning years after I started it. and even though I know it since then, I take this issue seriously on this year, with a lot of setbacks and frustrations.

nowadays I still struggling with triggers and urges, but I am curious how far I can go. and I am truly happy that I join this forum. see you!

Phineas 808

Staff member
loranthus said:
nowadays I still struggling with triggers and urges, but I am curious how far I can go. and I am truly happy that I join this forum. see you!

Hi, loranthus. Nice to meet you.

You never need struggle with 'triggers' (cues), only understand what are your particular ones. But the urges, if you can see them for what they are, and ignore them (not struggle with them), then over a short time you will be free of your addiction.

You have it within you to change your life, and be ahead of the game compared to many of us who have perhaps struggled with this thing (often incorrectly) for years, and even decades. Don't be ----> that guy.


Impulsivity. The pain-pleasure principle.

Being an 'empty' person, probably, is the main reason I go back and forth to P again.
My last setback is about 4 days ago, after some period of time of not having any thoughts to go back to P. Those weeks were amazing, since I didn't deliberately plan my recovery journey. Until last week. And I realized something..

On day to day basis, I don't often feeling the urge to go back to P. What I constantly feel is the urge to fill a big hole in my life, my inability to create meaning of what I'm doing. My poor intolerance of pain and my ruminative mind. Every time I feel that urge, I will impulsively engaging in something that completely steal my attention. Whether it's food, endless scrolling on instagram, and P.

And it doesn't help me anything! I realized that, the helplessness I feel every time I engage in activities or even my study is something that my mind creates. It's not real. No body is inherently helpless. But merely knowing isn't enough, right? I have to experience how does it feel to defeat the delusional helplessness by my own.

It's been almost a year since I wrote my first journal, and I'm disappointed knowing that I'm literally not going anywhere since last year. It sucks.
Sometimes, I feel like I hit the rock-bottom in something. But next time, I'll be in the even lower stage than the former.. I can see how flawed my perception on things around me and even myself.

Today, I come back to this forum and read others' stories. I need some courage and times that I don't constantly being a self-centered individual. It's nice to see how we differ in our stage of recovery. Some have just started. Some have succeeded. Some still struggling. Some on the stagnant stage.

Probably will come back later!