Computer Usage


Should I lessen or even stop my computer usage? Social networking sites like facebook and twitter always gives me triggers. I can stop computer usage but I don't really have other things that I do, I just play computer games like LoL and just surf the internet to watch live streams in twitch and other gaming-related stuffs. I also have OCD so it's really hard to find other things to do because I'm a mysophobe (afraid of germs) so even a simple basketball outside gives me anxiety.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you can take up reading, or find a new practical hobby to try.  Otherwise you could think about what you want out of life/what you think is missing and work towards that.

Here's a tip... WITH A SPEAR BEHIND IT.


Reducing your computer usage to a reasonable amount is definitely a recommendable measure. But people around here can't tell you what other hobbies to choose since you know yourself best.
A very promising idea, however, might be to fight OCD as a hobby (or rather, to let OCD do what it wants). Go grab "The Imp of the Mind" by Lee Baer, it's a well-written book about compulsive thoughts and how to approach them correctly. If you suffer from compulsive behavior (e.g. hand-washing) as well, you might also want to check out "Getting Control" by the same author.