Oscillating Line; a partial recovery


Hi everyone - looking for some advice from the community.

First the basics: I'm three months P free and 2 months M free, but throughout have had reasonably regular orgasms through sex. My backstory is pretty standard - although through my long history of ED I continued to have an active sex life facilitated by Ciallis, V, et al. Without the drugs, my performance was erratic at best.

My reboot coincided with putting all ED medication aside and I am now able to have sex with condoms - previously a big buzz kill - but only occasionally. I am happy with my progress at a macro level and grateful to YBOP, this site etc. However, my current situation is somewhat frustrating. For the last month the pattern has been as follows: my libido seems to revive, I have satisfying sex but then immediately dip back into flatline. This typically last between five and seven days, replete with no morning wood and low libido; acute stress, depression and lethargy. My libido then revives, I have sex to orgasm and then the pattern repeats.

Please note, that I am engaged during sex, and focussed on my partner rather than fantasising (as had previously been the case).

As I said, I am happy with my macro-level progress but wondering how I should proceed from here. Although the depression, lack of libido, and lethargy is not debilitating, it is certainly not ideal. Has anyone else experienced something similar? Do you think it  is just a matter of patience, perseverance and appreciation of incremental improvement, or would it be advisable to abstain from orgasm to speed up the process? I have an understanding and patient sexual partner, nevertheless it would be difficult to abstain from sex entirely for both of us.

Thanks for your consideration, and stay up!


Hy my friend ! 

I suffer from the same thing what you described !  I have almost 0 problem with my libido and my erections are fine but the depression and the lethargy is killing me and I want to get out of this !  I think we have to be patient to ourselves but maybe as you said abstinence from orgasm can help ! 

Keep up the good work as I do friend !



Staff member
Hey there! Flatlines after orgasm (even with a partner) are actually pretty common and is a sign that there is a little bit more rebooting and rewiring to do. My recommendation: try doing a long period of rewiring without orgasm. Many people find that abstaining from orgasm for a 4-8 week period of time reallllly helps the recovery process. For me personally, some of the fastest and biggest improvements I had happened during a 50 day rewiring without orgasm period with my girlfriend.