girlfriend,flatline, depression, HELP!!!


Hi I found this sight after having some problems in bed and trying to figure out what was going on with me.  I'm 31 and had been using porn probably since I was 16.  Not with a real high frequency though until mid 20's lets say 26-27 it's hard to tell.  I've pretty much always had a hard time with DE and always had a sinking suspicion it was due to masturbation.  Recently though it's been ED.  I feel like it's PIED because I started using a ton after my last g/f.  Pretty much the last six months it's been 2-3 times a day, at least once before i go to bed.  Before that it was at least once a day for a long while until the g/f six months ago.  Now I'm with someone new and we've had trouble.

Its been a week since I've used porn.  I deleted the apps from my smartphone, pictures of old girlfriends, and stopped sleeping with my laptop in my bed.  I originally stopped because I have a new girlfriend that I really like and I could tell we were getting ready to get busy.  I decided to give my dick a break before the big night.  When it came it was two days no porn and about five minutes after penetration I went limp and couldn't get it back.  The next day I went to the doctor.  They diagnosed me with depression.

Now let me back up.  This past April I got my second DUI.  I stand trial in two days.  I've also decided to quit drinking 2 weeks before I quit porn.  During the time between I had been with two other women.  I had always had trouble finishing and never really thought much of it.  Occasionally, random ED.  I always thought maybe I was just getting bored with the girl I was with.  So prior to the night in question and my quitting of porn, I had all this hanging over my head.

The doctors credited the low libido to depression and gave me a prescription to Wellbutrin.  Which seems to be doing it's job, but now I've gone limp on my new G/F twice.  She is fully aware of everything going on and has been as understanding as I could expect.  I'm just looking for some comments from people in similar situations.  I really like her, maybe love her.  I feel like if anything breaks it this will be it.

In this week I've gone from feeling nothing, to two morning woods in the past two days.  We fool around a lot When I'm over there and I get hard.  Even kissing when i first come in I get at the very least a halfie.  We do everything short of touching privates.  My dick has been pre-cumming a bit when limp too lol.  I find that funny and weird.  I'd imagine my body is recovering quickly considering everything I've read concerning the flatlining.  Cause it's not dead down there just lackadaisical.  We've decided to wait a month.  The end of October is the timeline.  I just don't wanna do that to her again.  I know it hurts her feelings.


Some people experience inorgasmia (inability to orgasm) with some antidepressants. In my experience, I was completely flaccid when my girlfriend and I started having sex. I feared losing her because I was useless in bed; she was better off with another guy (in my mind). But she stuck by me because we get along well with eachother, regardless of the bad sex.
Anyway, if a woman chooses to stay with you even though you're flatlining, take it as a sign that you shouldn't pass up this relationship. Good luck in your recovery!


Also, I understand how some women feel bad about lack of male performance, as if it's somehow their fault. Be sure you tell her that you think she's attractive. Maybe she doesn't understand that you have an issue with pornography. After all, high speed internet pornography addiction is extremely new. Not a lot of people know about it yet.