hello i have started my reeboting and i have some questions

So i have been using porn since a i was 12 years olda i am 23 now, and in the quarantine i have become addicted in web cam girls like a lot, and then in january i couldnt  have sex with a girl for the first time in the end i could but it was not as good and not as hard, i have a weak erection jerking off and dont have morning bonner i had a reallyy strong one ten days ago but since then not anymore, i have a question i will never watch porn again, but do i have to stop masturbating also? i know its good to decrease the frequency but do i have to stop completely?
i am really fucked up guys been having suicidal thoughts i hope i can be cured these stories have made me well really thank you


Well-Known Member
You got to try it out for yourself. Problem is, everyone is different. But i would suggest the following: Do what you feel like works best for you. If you have the feeling, that your progress is slow or non-existent, you should probably try to masturbate less or make a longer break. A lot of guys suggest a break of around 90 days.
For sex its the same. Some guys suggest having a break from sex and say it was beneficial to them. But also with sex its probably a good idea to at least decrease the fequency for some time and then to see how that works for you.