Cant do it with Hand anymore

So basically i don?t know if thats common as a PIED or not so i hope if someome who has been through this k it to reply to me.

After realising i had PIED about a month ago i think. I was kind of happy to know what happened to me and to know that i can fix it. however, i realised that my penis size is really really smaller than how a normal flaccid should be or how it actually used to look like as in flaccid state, which makes it impossible for me to mastrubate on my own for 2 reason, first is because its shrunk and small and second because i have no sensitivity and no libido for it.

Now my penis is like that throughout the whole day, when i wakeup in the morning its normal flaccid but it shrinks almost as soon as i get up. and the only way that i would get a 60% 70% erection is if i start watching a porn video, i dont even touch myself because i really dont feel anything but i do get an erection if i open a tube and watch, thats how i knew that what i?m going thro must be PIED but the shrinkage and complete lack of sensitivity if really worrying me,

i have Done a 19 days hardmode  which i believe was my longest in a long time and relapsed to P and now its been 4 days and i?m determined this time to keep going.

anyone who can share some knowledge i?d deeply appreciate it


Active Member
You just need to trust the process and keep going...
3months 6 months 1 year...
However long it will take ...
But it will work