question about a specific situation and erectile Dysfunction!

hello there,Super alien here! I would like to ask you everyone something that has always been on my mind everytime I fail at succesfull streak of *No Fap Hard mode*
I'm able to have sex and have a good erection during sex,but I also have a lot of fetishes that bothers me a lot(trans,extreme ones etc)
Everytime I fail No fap and use porn for a few days and then retry...I always have the fear that the one day that I use porn again...My boner will be lost again...
but here's the question...Every time I fail...Is there a possibility that this could happen? Like fap to porn one time after..I dunno 3 month of no porn and then...poof no boner during real sex? can someone delight me? Or in my boner could be lost after a long time of using porn?
thanks for the help!


Respected Member
hello, yes allow me to delight you!
if you habitually PMO, then it most likely will lead to erectile dysfunction. i dont think that after 3 months of no PMO looking at porn will break your willy instantly, but what it CAN do is trigger a fap binge. its takes an extremely high level of self control to be able to look at it once, say thats enough, then not look again for a few months. porn is a trigger for more porn, remember that.