Hypnosis, lucid dreaming, dream control


Active Member
Im wondering if anybody has experimented with any of the following and have seen any success.  Ive read that hypnosis while sleeping may help in addition to becoming an avid lucid dreamer.  I have lucid dreams from time to time and to an extent have had control in some of my dreams in which I have been able to further turn my back on my old PMO habits on a subconscious level, but this doesnt apply to every dream.  If I can work on this skill I feel like I can truly influence my dreams on a subconsious level to the fact that I have done so in several dreams.  Also I was reading about techniques on preventing discharge in your dreams and was wondering if anybody has done so. 

I've read up on several tips to reduce the the incidence of wet dreams and they include of exercise, sleeping less like 6hrs, eating garlic cloves before sleep, tumeric water, almond milk, avoiding certain foods like pork etc, and obviously not having sexual thoughts throughout the day.  Im going to try implementing these techniques in the hopes of reducing sexual dreams and increasing my control of them.