
New Member
So ive been reading everyone's posts and no one seems to have the problem I am having....

I get good hard erections, with or without porn, but my penis seems to lost about 3 inches. I didn't realize I had PIED until about 3 months ago and its been a struggle to keep on my reboot (I guess because I'm new) and before I knew what PIED was I would usually stop watching porn for a week or two it would go back to normal so I would get back to being sexually active.

I am now on my 20th day of a reboot and I see other guys saying how they get erections but just can't keep them or that its hard to get an erection in the first place, but no one relating to my problem of having a hard erection but its literally just shorter. For reference, I could say that getting an erection feels like having on a shoe that's too small, I know that more is there...but it's like the growth just gets restricted at a certain point.

Do I actually have PIED? or another problem? Doctors gave me viagra but that doesn't work either. If someone else is experiencing this please let me know to calm my nerves.


Respected Member
is it a blood flow problem? it seems very odd that your willy would just lose its size overnight...