Porn images in the brain database

After several strips following my first 90 day reboot, now on my 61st, I realized that the porn images deposited in the brain are indelible. The danger is to reactivate them easily. They appear when you don't want them, more than when you want them during abstinence.


On a huberman podcast on neuroplasticity (ytb), I learned that dopamine is litteraly the strongest thing that's, when released, triggers neuroplasticity and memory. No wonder. And it makes complete sense. The brain is so cool, unless u hijack it and use things not for what they're intended :(
On a huberman podcast on neuroplasticity (ytb), I learned that dopamine is litteraly the strongest thing that's, when released, triggers neuroplasticity and memory. No wonder. And it makes complete sense. The brain is so cool, unless u hijack it and use things not for what they're intended :(
Sure, man. But the brain database of porn images only slips deeper into the unconscious ocean. I have noticed that involuntary images emerge, which obviously I do not follow up with PMO, and I have found that they re-emerge with even more intensity in dreams, precisely because during wakefulness I do not want to consciously divert the brain to the virtual satisfaction of sexual impulses.


Respected Member
Confucious say:

when image of hamburger appear when hungry, make want to eat hamburger but no hamburger to eat. image of hamburger dissolves. when image of porn appear, make want fap but cannot fap. porn image dissolve.image of hamburger and image of porn, what different?

youre gonna have to imagine that in a really stereotypical "asian" voice such like in an 80s Karate Kid film. (not racist)


I'm noticing all the more that P image/scene flashbacks appear for me during long car trips to/from work. maybe connected to some form of highway hypnosis, where the brain is so f'ed up where the first thing that comes to mind is P when it loosens up. Sleepiness and tiredness do not help either.
Quite dangerous as well, since it may take attention away from driving...


And also, going with the Confucius idea (my own version though!):

when image of porn appears, issue is not really porn but something else (anger, self-esteem, self-soothing need, early trauma?), address real issue, image of porn dissolves
(or at least it will gradually do so in time...)