Moving on


New Member
How do I move on from porn? I see it as a comfort zone or niche that fills parts of my day whenever I'm bored or idle. Any advice would be appreciated


Active Member
How do I move on from porn? I see it as a comfort zone or niche that fills parts of my day whenever I'm bored or idle. Any advice would be appreciated
Well my friend,first of all you need something to motivate you(in my case it was PIED or more precise-inability to have any real sexual life and with it comes the feelings of shame and embarrassment),then you need to find some other productive activities to fill up your time like doing sports,studying,reading a book,hanging out with friends,walking,riding a bike etc...
You see where this is going, basically you have to change your lifestyle because if you keep doing same things as you've always been doing porn and urge to watch porn will remain the part of your life and it is impossible to beat your addiction with just willpower believe me,so you need new life without porn! Moreover install pornblockers on your browser you can find them easily online.Also avoid things that can be associated with porn like looking at some hot chicks on Instagram or YouTube and most importantly after you managed to do all of this above mentioned and you feel like quite some time has passed like 90 days or 150 days or whenever you feel ready find yourself a partner and be honest with them if you have any sexual dysfunction.