Porn addiction and hentai games


New Member
Hello, I'm new here. My name is Valerio and I am 32. I began to watch porn 20 years ago and now I stopped from a week. I decided to stop because a few times i had erectile problems with my girlfriend. I really like videogames and I'm an healthy gamer (i mean I can do the important things in my life without wasting all my time playing) and so I am looking for advice from you about a particular topic: can hentai games be considered porn even if real people isn't involved? It's not difficult for me to quit porn sites and videos, but a part of me would like to play those games because i consider them a form of art and somewhat aestetic. Thank you for your time and patience and good luck!

Not a Rabbi

Active Member
I personally consider any picture, video, story, etc of a sexual nature to be "porn." I've had an easier time dropping videos, but an incredibly hard time stopping PMO'ing to stuff as mild as insta models or ecchi anime. If it's sexually arousing I would say it's necessary to quit to get the full recovery from all the porn-induced issues.


Active Member
Any sort of artificial stimulation is pornographic, cartoon or otherwise. If you find your addiction is being triggered by these things, avoid them indefinitely until you find a way to get sober. I've put entire video games and TV series on hold because of the sex/nudity and will continue to do so until I'm sober.