yourbrainonporn is a great site that has all the info you need
but I'll get you started by teaching you what I can about desensitization,
which is one of the key factors that gets you addicted to porn.
Right now your brain is heavily desensitized.
This means that your brain is too used to porn, which is highly stimulating,
that it fails to recognize real sex, which is relatively less stimulating.
It's like your brain is tricked into thinking real sex isn't "sex".
Imagine a scale of one to ten measuring the stimulation (sexual or not) of anything you come across in your life.
Normal porn is like 10. Hardcore bondage teenage taboo S&M bukkake porn is like 15.
(Note that the above levels are very unnatural)
real life sex is like 7.
Playing sports ~5
non-sexual Interaction with woman ~5.
Watching movie ~4
Listening to music ~3
Cooking ~2
and so on.
***the numbers are completely arbitrary and made up. Just know that porn is the most stimulating of them all.
For guys that watch porn everyday, the stimulation level is hitting above 10 on a regular basis.
Once the brain gets used to that stimulation level,
any activity below that level will feel much less exciting (desensitization).
For guys that go through reboot and not watch porn or masturbate at all,
Sex is the most stimulating thing they can get their hands on. It will feel like a 10.
In fact, every other activity on the list will have moved up a few levels accordingly.
So for these guys, simple everyday activity like listening to music will get them somewhat excited.
FYI, this phenomenon is not limited to porn. Any kind of addiction is a result of desensitization.
So to answer your question:
1. If you dont fantasize about sex and dont get erection wont your mind just eliminate sex or erection from it forever?
- No, if your brain is resensitized, you will get a 100 erections on your way to the grocery store and back if you want.
2. I dont get any morning wood or spontaneous erections. i want to know is it normal?
- It is definitely not normal. It is probably an indication that you are heavily addicted to porn.
I hope the others will read over what I wrote and correct me if I'm wrong,
cuz I'm also new to this stuff and i'm not 100% sure.