What to do

I’ve tried keeping phone out of my room, leaving the computer in the living room. Blocking porn sites on my phone, but whenever I get the urge I end of finding sites anyway which is really desperate. I’ve been counting the days of no PMO, I have a calendar and I put a smiley face for when I don’t PMO and then I put a sad face if I relapsed that day. If I masturbate with out porn I put a small m. This helps me keep up with my progress….
What other things you think will help?
Hi Blacklightin

Some of the things I think might help.
  • Porn blocker
    • This isn't blocking particular porn sites but blocking all the porn sites and anything remotely sexually from searches.
    • I've personally got a blocker called 'Detoxify' on my phone and laptop and I can say that I haven't watched porn on those devices since.
    • I would recommend if you do download Detoxify to set a pin and either give it to someone you trust to withhold it or just randomise the pin so you have to wait 24 hours to retrieve it.
    • Obviously other porn blockers are available so I would do your research before committing.
  • Exercise
    • This may be one of the most important factors to no PMO imho.
    • I've found it improves my self-control and also my mood so I'm let likely to resort to porn.
    • I would exercise as much as possible. 30 minutes of medium exercise as often as you can is enough.
  • Reading Your Brain On Porn
    • Not sure if you've read this book but reading YBOP helped me get my longest streak, which isn't that long compared to others, but was significant for me.
    • The book gives some perspective on why PMO is not a good habit to have and pounds in the reasons as to why porn affects your brain so heavily with scientific study to back it up.
There are countless other things that other people find useful in order to not look at porn. So in agreement to what was said on your other post, looking at other journals may be helpful to get a larger scope of others' experiences and strategies.

I personally don't think I could masturbate with no porn and without thinking of pornographic scenarios in my head to get me off. So I try to do no M or PMO. It's a matter of preference but if you are masturbating without porn and thinking about the porn you would watch I don't think that's solving the problem at all.

Hope the above is helpful.