I need to get back on the road


Hello everyone, I am 34 years old, and I have consumed pornography since I was 15 years old, it started when I was in school.
In my house my father was an alcoholic (fights and problems at home), I don't know how much that situation would have affected me, but when everything started I was very shy and it was difficult to make friends, I couldn't talk to women, so one day I They talked about pornography, I decided to watch out of curiosity and I got to spend all my money on web pages with pornographic content, I downloaded videos and images and took them to my house (at that time everyone thought I was a saint, when in fact I had a big problem), I wanted to have friends but I could not, I was a very insecure boy and I felt dislike for myself, my hobby was imagination and I even made drawings having sex, from that moment until now I have not been able to leave it, I have tried to quit many times but failed, 15 years ago I stopped doing it, I was clean for 01 year but relapsed, then I left it again for another 08 months and relapsed again (I still remember the insecurity I had and the family problems that added), from that moment I began to deceive myself that I could live with it and from that moment until now, I have not been able to leave it, there were many moments when I felt that it was something I could control, but I kept deceiving myself (people around me they had a
concept of me and to pretend, I decided not to face my problem) and as the days went by I lived only on appearances and deceptions, I realized that I need help.
I have lost many opportunities on a personal and professional level, every time I needed to study or prepare for university or work, pornographic thoughts and the desire to masturbate came to my mind and I felt, I was without energy, ashamed, I did not have a healthy social life , I said goodbye to myself, my self-esteem dropped, I had no confidence in myself, I had no desire to do anything, I have seen my dreams destroyed, opportunities to leave, a life with bad decisions to such a degree that I allowed myself to be treated badly to feel good with myself, my life got messed up.
Currently I have my partner and I do not want to ruin it, I want to have healthy and satisfactory sexual relations for me and my partner, but I have realized that I am stuck, I do not advance, I only go back, before writing these words I was on day 03 but I slipped, Today marks a new beginning, I'm going to make it! I will continue to record my diary until I reach the final goal, thank you for your time.


Respected Member
your story sounds so similar to others here. but its great that youve seen you have a problem and now how to fix it! stick around!


Day 2, this is not easy, relapse and it seems to me that it happened very easy, it happened while I was not doing anything, I checked my cell phone and went to watch porn, I need to keep my mind occupied, I think I will dial day 1 again.


Day 2, today I abstained, the shower helped, but the road is still long, to continue.
Sorry if something is not understood, English is my second language.


Hello, this is not easy, I relapsed again, after 02 days of not watching porn, discouragement invades me but I must continue, I want and I must leave pornography, I am not asking for help, but I need help.


Hello, how are you? I am on the 15th day without seeing pornography, however I must manage that I have masturbated about 4 times, it was difficult not to see pornography the temptation was in front of me, however I must move on, something I would like to comment on is, that The level of stress and anxiety influences me to want to see pornography, I am controlling those levels, I carry out planned activities that distract me and I focus more on my objectives and goals, it is not easy but I am getting back on my way.
Excuse my English.


Today was my 23rd day without seeing pornography, however due to stress and worry about work and my partner, today I have seen pornography and masturbated, but I have to move on, I cannot go back to what I used to do, there is change in me, and at the At the same time that I strengthen certain parts of my personality and character, I already tell you what will come later, I will start again with day 01 of my journey.


Respected Member
Hi, Ben.

My father was an alcoholic as well. Tough shit. But it is what it is. I found this videos helpful.

Much love


Hi, Ben.

My father was an alcoholic as well. Tough shit. But it is what it is. I found this videos helpful.

Much love
Thank you very much EarthWalker, I am watching the videos, I have realized that I have many emotional aspects to solve, I do not live with my father, but I still feel very scared when I hear someone knock on the door at night or start screaming outside my house or someone gets angry in front of me, I have to move on there is a long way to go yet, it is not easy, excuse my English.


I feel that I have advanced, I can not stop, there is temptation at all times, especially in frustration, I have seen pornography again and I have suffered after 27 days without doing it, the feeling is unpleasant, especially when remembering the frustration of my past, The opportunities that I lost, the alcoholic father who affected me and my family, the people I love I trusted that only took advantage of my weakness to feel superior, all this makes me feel frustrated and makes me want to throw in the towel, but I can't stop I must move on, I must get out of this darkness and get back on my way.
Day 01


Keep going Ben and never give up on giving up. I think that is crucial. I also know I need to change my habits. I had a 10 day run recently and then I relapsed again after 3 days yesterday but i begin again today. Someone just told me that recovery isn't linear and that there will be tough days and perhaps some relapses but that its key to be patient with oneself, which is what I am trying to do now. If you need some help with an accountability partner, let me know as I also think this could be helpful rather than facing this alone. Keep going


Keep going Ben and never give up on giving up. I think that is crucial. I also know I need to change my habits. I had a 10 day run recently and then I relapsed again after 3 days yesterday but i begin again today. Someone just told me that recovery isn't linear and that there will be tough days and perhaps some relapses but that its key to be patient with oneself, which is what I am trying to do now. If you need some help with an accountability partner, let me know as I also think this could be helpful rather than facing this alone. Keep going
Hello Raymond 84, thanks for the encouragement to move on, you can also at first it is not easy but if you can, you are right this is not linear and there are hard days, it would be good to have a responsibility partner I still do not have it.


Day 4, I had an encounter with a hot girl, I have realized that I have to work on controlling my imagination, I did not see P but my imagination was enough, I have read that it is because I see women as objects, I still do not I realized that I do that, it seems that I do not do that it was something else, but I must change it, I cannot have a healthy friendship this way.
Day 01