Need help and suggestions


New Member
So I discarded PMO March 7 2018. I still have PIED and loads of other diminishments because I haven't been able to rewire my brain.

I don't seek visual stimuli on a device. I don't masturbate. I don't really have penile functionality. I don't have a libido. My personality has been largely effected I haven't felt like myself in a long time. I started PMO at age 12 and stopped at 21 when I finally found this community.

I hardly have any flow of thought or abstract capability to draw from. Since I still have sexual dysfunctions my testosterone production has been dramatically lowered as well. I did not have any female relationships during my PMO indulgence so from ages 12-21 because I had immense anxiety and it was the cause.

Despite that though I still not as much currently but for over a year and half I consistently ran 2 miles daily, lifted weights 3 times a week, attended social events in college. Approached women and tried to expand my social circle.

My body doesn't really build muscle anymore, I don't feel aggressive like I used to. My body heals a lot slower. My skin is always dry. My mind is always blank I have terrible working memory and in general now where before it was essentially photographic and accurate. I'm desensitized emotionally and it's hard to get by because I feel horrible. I've lost lots of motivation.

Despite telling numerous family members and close friends it eventually just goes in one ear and out the other. They never have tried to help me in any way. Don't consider how largely this effects me and don't really reach out to check if I'm okay.

Many state that you need to find something like a hobby to direct your mind to so that way your brain can rewire in that sense however that has never worked for me. Not well anyhow.

The only cure is to rewire my brain with a female and to develop my innate desire for females. My sexual response system. That's practically impossible because drawing in female attention is based upon underlying testosterone levels. As I have stated that's been dramatically diminished in me because of PMO.

Testosterone is definitely the factor that determines female receptiveness. Without it, it does not matter the social ability, the confidence displays essentially all of the regurgitations around this are not even remotely close to being true.

I used to get plenty of attention when my brain still worked to some degree and I had high testosterone. Despite talking much less because of the anxiety that PMO was responsible for giving me. When I discarded PMO the anxiety left after 7 months of withdrawal.

I've told female friends this as well and have gotten no form of understanding and assistance from that side either. Everyone seems to think that things will just work out. Like things just fall into place. That I'm in a stage of finding myself. That this entire issue is just a mindset problem and you know what, that really FUCKING pisses me off how often I hear that.

Anyhow I could provide more of what I have experienced but this is already really long. I started PMO at 12 and I'm not 24 and the effects have not subsided. I have wasted half my life. It's hard for me to function. Do I think a psychological assistance from a professional will help? No I don't this isn't widely known and most people aren't adequate.

At age 25 the body begins to slowly decline. I haven't even gotten a chance to relish my youth.

I just recently received a custom made audio. A subliminal to assist in rewiring my brain to assist me. I got it yesterday. I was incredibly optimistic at first. It doesn't seem to have had the impact I hoped thus far. I know it's early but if this doesn't work. Nothing will I'm too far gone in terms of how my body and mind function and to add to that no one's cares at all.

I don't know what to do.


Well-Known Member
You're not gonna find much understanding from most people regarding this issue. Porn has largely been propagandized as healthy and positive if you have any negative reactions, its that particular person's fault. That is the mentality of the media and most people. You're still quite young and yea, it really does suck to lose a bunch of time to an addiction like you have, but it also gives you more time to get better and have this issue fixed. In terms of suggestions with women, humor helps.