Pied recovery without rewire

I’m 18 and suffering from pied. I’m 105 days into my reboot and still in a flatline and feeling pretty hopeless.
I was wondering if recovery is possible without having to rewire with a partner. The thought of it terrifies me. Would it be possible for me to build up a long enough streak to fully recover and then start having sex/ relationships again?


Active Member
Adolescent sexual conditioning likely also accounts for the fact that young men with porn-induced erectile dysfunction often need months longer to recover normal sexual function than older men do. The older men did not start out wiring their sexual response to screens, and may possess well developed ‘real partner’ brain pathways, or arousal maps. Typically they had reliable erections with partners for years before they met high-speed tube sites. Unlike younger men who grew up with the internet,
the latter are simply re-learning.

Wilson, Gary. Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction (p. 87). Commonwealth Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The above is from the book Your Brain on Porn. Simply put I for example being over 40 years older than you. The wiring of my sexual response started with magazines and real life partners. I didn't become hooked on the "screen" and high speed porn until my mid to late 40's. I had over 30 years of real life partners before high speed porn tube sites. So where it's taken me 90 plus days to feel recovery happening it could take you longer.
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