Achievement or Failure.. I don’t know


greets from Germany ✌🏼
my last post is some days ago now and I’m not sure about it
I’m almost at 90 days of hard mode but today my libido and my lust “killed” me, so I decided to M, last time, that I did it is about 40 days ago, because my libido killed me that day, too😅
I shut down every devices and just be concentrate on M and thought about how beautiful my girlfriend is
I felt how I can control my body and to hold my wood (this was impossible for me the last weeks) even when I stood up I was able to hold my erection without touching for 1-2 minutes
(By the way, the last 2-3 weeks I trained only legs and pelvic floor + the down back (sry I don’t found any translation for this))
My Doc knows everything about my PIED and and told me to train these 3 areas, because these three areas are important for sexual activity and yes.. I felt and saw the results (Hahaha felt… results… you know what I mean?😂)

So I would say that this evening was a achievement
What are you thinking?