Rebooting for 58 days so far.


Hi. My name is Ike. I'm 27 years old. I've been watching porn since I was 11. I masturbated multiple times everyday until I realized 58 days ago what my problem was. I've never had problems attracting women. I'm a great looking guy. I've received oral from multiple women. I never could stay hard to physically penetrate a woman. This PIED has ruined my life sexually. My last sexual encounter with a woman was in 2016. I wanted to fuck her but I couldn't perform, all I could do was put my dick inside her limp. Since that time I've become unhealthy, overweight and masturbated almost everyday. I would watched hentai, vanilla type porn, nothing too extreme. I'm not addicted to porn. I don't actually need it honestly. It just felt good so i over did it. I have no thoughts of it or relapsing. I barely think about it. It's been 58 days so far cold turkey. I met some women in a different country online, I'm supposed to be seeing them in June of next year. I get hard from text messages from them, talking on the phone with them, and just looking at their photos. I constantly imagine fucking them when I meet them. I work various shifts so I can't comment on morning wood , sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I get random erections. Sometimes when I think about them I get really hard. I'm take herbs and I work out here and there. I water fast and also do intermittent fasting sometimes so in losing weight. I bought a bike so plan on using that more. Does it sound like I'm recovering? I definitely feel more confident, I catch myself looking at girls asses a lot now. I wasn't really interested in real life women before while I was masturbating. I not really thinking too hard about it but I'm laying down bored and decided to find more info on my condition and I ran into this site.


Respected Member
sounds like you are addicted to porn buddy. you got a floppy cock because of porn and you cant stop thinking about fucking them when you even talk to them on the phone! sounds like porn addiction to me, i know because ive been there. what you can do is rewire your brain so that you view women in a completely different, less creepy, way. you can do this by abstaining from all porn and porn substitutes, including naked pics that are sent to you