Gordon 7

Well-Known Member
Why did God show us how satan talked to Adam and Eve? One of the reasons was to show us that satan temps us just like he tempted them.

I was a newby loan officer. People would call our office and I would tell them our mortgage rate. But then they would thank me and not set up an appointment. But then one day another loan officer told me: After you tell them our rate, give them 5 benefits to doing the loan today. On my very next call that was what I did. I got the appointment. To succeed I needed to know exactly what to say.

When we are tempted we need to know exactly what to say. Satan tells us what to think about, what to look at and what to do. And if our answer is a weak... no, or, I can't. We are going to lose. But when we are prepared we can win.

Every one of us has 3-5 specific reasons why we want to quit and why we should quit. Even more importantly we all have 5 benefits to quitting. Things like: Better relationships, being a better parent, improved finances when I get my self-control back, being able to do my job better, and most importantly having a great relationship with Jesus Christ again.

Here is what we didn't learn from Genesis, but we did learn it from Joseph. We learned how to do it right. A beautiful woman tried to seduce him. I guarantee you that he had 5 reasons why he wouldn't give in. And he was the wisest man in Egypt. He could likely list 10 benefits to himself if he did not give in.

Being completely prepared, he immediately fled the scene.

We can be completely prepared as well. We can write out 5 reasons on a note card of why we want to quit. We can write out 5 benefits to quitting. We can write out our goals for quitting.

Then when satan comes around and tempts us we read him a couple of lines from our card. When he doesn't give up – we start reading again. Then after you do this about 20 times, just humbly tell him: I can do this all day and all night.

Satan is brilliant and he is very mathematical. He is always calculating his odds of getting you in hell. When you fight back a little bit he drops you to his b list. Fight harder – c list, harder d list. When we fight back every time he drops us to the U list – the unlikely list. And people on the unlikely list get tempted way less. So my goal is to show him every single time what list he should have me on.

After you write out your list, if you want more on the Garden of Eden story go to STA https://stoptheaddictions.com/home-page/sex-porn-freedom/sex-porn-freedom-in-30-days-day-15/