I need help

Hey - just because you look at porn does not make you a bad person. It's just an extremely well designed trap that you fall into. It plays on one of our most basic needs and then traps us. Believe me, I have beat myself up over it for years and that doesn't help. Let me suggest you check out the book Easy Peasy if you have not read it. Also, please visit your brain on porn website. These will explain the trap and offer you a path out The first step on the road to freedom!


Respected Member
I want to stop
I want to be a good person

I do not want to watch pornography
rebooting is the asnwer. you have to do that to fix your life. i dont know if youre a bad person, but quitting porn will certainly mnake you feel great about yoursell.


New Member
Hey - just because you look at porn does not make you a bad person. It's just an extremely well designed trap that you fall into. It plays on one of our most basic needs and then traps us. Believe me, I have beat myself up over it for years and that doesn't help. Let me suggest you check out the book Easy Peasy if you have not read it. Also, please visit your brain on porn website. These will explain the trap and offer you a path out The first step on the road to freedom!
Mr. Flattofine Thank you


Respected Member
Mr. Fappy Thank you

I want to help me how I work on restart ☺
first of all, STOP looking at porn. this is the most important obviously. but, it gets a little tricky from there at times. youll get some pretty savage urges to look at it again, this is normal. youve got an addiction and your brain wants you to feed it. te thing is that youve got to starve yourself of the addiction, it will gradually become weaker and more manageable over time.
you need to consider the triggers that cause you to look at porn. these could be a partifuclar mindeset such as fatigue, lonliness, anxiety, anything. they could be triggered by an event that happens that day like a bad day at work, an argument, stress from things etc. and they could even be triggred by certain times of the day, many people report the morning and late night being significant trigger times.
identifying these trigger points can considerably help you in your rewiring, you can stop urges before they have a chance to take hold.
also, keep yourself as busy as possible. concentrate on your hobby or interests to distract yourself from thoughts of porn in the early stages.