My Story


I'm 20 years old and have been struggling to quit porn for about 5 years. I first saw porn at a very very young age because of my older brother but started actually watching it myself when I got a smartphone at about 13 years old and actually realised that I was addicted when I first started fapping to it alot at 15. I tried to stop because at first I was just watching it and now after fapping to it I found myself always wanting to do it more but for the most part, through out the years I pushed myself and never really let porn completely prevent me from having a social life and striving to achieve my goals. I was still able to have friends and a few sexual relations with females but I never got a girlfriend, never achieved or procrastinated most of my goals and it was always very very hard for me to socialize with new people and I would often push some people away even some family members. I discovered this forum from the book Your Brain on Porn and currently working on overcoming my addiction, rebooting my brain and finding my way back.