How do I avoid fantasizing?


New Member
Hi everyone

I am already experienced with NoFap, the best streak is 227 days. I think that was pure luck that I didn't relapse around the 3-week mark, since I seem to keep doing that. Yesterday I spent 6 hours on rule 34 masturbating to animated people who don't exist; I had fallen into the rabbit hole of porn memories and fantasizing.

Since I see this common occurrence with all these relapses after my one big streak, I now want to stomp out fantasizing for good, and go full monk mode. How do I stop fantasizing? How do I stop this doublethink I have every time I relapse? I know it is cognitive dissonance, I know I can abstain from PMO, but fantasizing seems to be a gateway drug to PMO every single time.


In the start of my reboot which is almost 200 days ago. Whenever i started fantasizing. I instantly think of a forest fire, where i am throwing water on the fire.

This really helped me, you need to do this as soon as the thoughts enter your mind. Do not let it build!