Depression after quitting porn


New Member
hi.I am 28 years old And I've been addicted to porn for fifteen years.I have been leaving for two months but I still have depression after quitting.I am taking Velban and Sertraline pills.Does anyone have my condition. Please help me get rid of depression after quitting
Yes.But my depression was mild. And now, after quitting, it has multiplied
Your brain is likely adjusting to a sustained drop in dopamine - the happy chemical - that porn was giving you. You need to find suitable replacements for it, but it will also just take time for your brain to balance out. I read that dopamine balance is like a bank account that needs to be settled. You were borrowing dopamine and it needs to be paid back, your brain finds balance by having a lower baseline amount of dopamine for a period of time. The longer you abused something to give you more dopamine the longer the deficit will last when you stop.

The SSRI medication you’re on Probably helps some but it’s not giving you dopamine, it’s giving you serotonin.