25 days down and experiencing hard flatline

30M and I’ve completed 25 full days without P and 10 full days without M or O. Definitely feel like I’m experiencing a flatline at this point. Zero morning wood at all, feeling slightly tired and lethargic, mood swings come and go, and no libido.

I sometimes find my mind wandering to think about past sexual experiences or desires but I try to shut them down quickly. It does feel like it’s improving a little bit.


Respected Member
Hi, yeah that sounds normal. 25 days is great but its still quite early into the reboot so things like flatlining and fatigue are perfectly normal. your mind will wander around, often back to the red-hot memories of previous sexual encounters - youre not giving your brain what it wants (porn) so its desperately seeking out such images from within your mind, pathetic isnt it.
try to just let such thoughts come and go, and remember they arent real, theyre just a petty trick your porn abused mind is using to try and get you to relapse.
Hi, yeah that sounds normal. 25 days is great but its still quite early into the reboot so things like flatlining and fatigue are perfectly normal. your mind will wander around, often back to the red-hot memories of previous sexual encounters - youre not giving your brain what it wants (porn) so its desperately seeking out such images from within your mind, pathetic isnt it.
try to just let such thoughts come and go, and remember they arent real, theyre just a petty trick your porn abused mind is using to try and get you to relapse.
Thanks for the support! I agree and it’s strikingly similar to when I quit substance abuse. The brain can be a powerful tease