I don't know your exact situation, but I want to share some things that helped me and my marriage start working through porn addiction. I suggest you step back and try to understand that your wife may be going through betrayal trauma, her world has been turned upside down, and if you were hiding porn use from her, she will feel like she doesn't know you and can't trust you. The relationship has to be rebuilt emotionally, then the rest will heal too. Intimacy is more psychological and emotional, porn teaches us it is sex, but we hide ourselves and emotions from others with porn and only think about sex. For a good relationship, sex shouldn't be a focus, rather it happens because of how close you both feel emotionally, and this can take time after porn use is discovered. I highly recommend 'Path for Men' and 'Bloom for Women' websites, they have tons of free content that really dives into understanding the relationship and healing emotionally, they have changed my life, my marriage and my outlook about sex, which coincidently has improved as my wife and I have become closer, talk more, communicate about hard thoughts and topics openly, but without driving toward sex.
I wish you the best on your journey to quit porn and change your life and marriage.
Thanks for the reply. The longer I’ve reflected on it the more obvious it’s become that porn has been at the root of so many of my intimacy issues and I’ve failed to recognize it. My wife does know about my porn use but has always held the opinion that she’d rather me use that than pester her all the time for sex, although that just created resentment from me because of the addiction and less emotional intimacy which is what she wants from me.
if I think back, porn was shaping the way I approached sex from the very start of the relationship. Pretty quickly on I started pushing for us to try kinkier things in bed. First it was me trying her hands, then it was using a gag, then it was her pegging me, then tying me up AND pegging me, then chastity play, etc.
Over time I kept wanting crazier and crazier sex and was asking for it more and more, also feeling less connected and satisfied with her. When she pushed back and said she didn’t want that to be all we did, I withdrew back to porn and stopped trying to be intimate. I took it as the sex positive “this is what I like and you’re not being a supportive partner” line of thinking even though I was actually the one not supporting her, she was literally willing to try almost anything I asked.
She’s even let me go visit a professional dominatrix, and has let me have sex with a guy because I felt like I needed it to be happy. And while sure I got a rush from those things, they never changed my mentality coming back to our own intimacy not being satisfying enough for me.
I was also always comparing our marriage to my relationship in college, where we had sex multiple times a day and did lots of kinky things together. I would attribute our lacklustre sex life compared to my college one as a compatibility issue. But if I think back, I also didn’t masturbate or watch as much porn then. If I did watch porn it was usually with my partner. We were also younger, and the relationship wasn’t build around much other than hanging out and having sex, as college ones often can be.
Its obvious when I stop and think about it that I was feeding a dopamine addiction constantly with these things and ignoring everything else. I also smoked cannabis daily from age 15-30 (over a year sober now), so my brain was
really used to elevated dopamine levels, to the point I couldn’t feel joy in almost anything if I wasn’t high or masturbating.
I am getting better. I used to hate going to see family for dinners, always felt like a waste of time when I could be getting high, now I actually enjoy it a lot. I’m hopeful that the hypersexuality id been creating since adolescence will go away in time, and things will improve. But I know it’s a long and difficult road I need to go down.