Kink Interests coming and going even without porn

I’m now 38 days porn free and 24 days without MO. In this time I’ve definitely noticed that overall my mental focus / obsession levels with certain kinks that I was very into before have gone down. But I’ve also noticed in recent days some that I thought were perhaps only porn induced were coming back in my head again.

this begs the question for me as to whether they’re really porn induced and this is my brain trying to battle the declining dopamine by thinking about it, OR if they’re not actually induced by porn and instead are things that I’m into regardless of whether I watch it on a screen. Specifically it’s been interests in chastity play with my spouse, which we’ve done before to mixed outcomes.

I’m not looking to jump back into that kink right now, but I’m curious if others found ebbs and flows with these types of desires during their reboot? I’m not at all interested in giving up BDSM as I enjoy it a lot, but I don’t want it to lead to unhealthy levels of porn consumption or affect theability to have “vanilla” intimacy with my partner either.


There was a video I watched not long ago on YouTube by Dr. Trish Leigh on “Vanilla Sex”. It hit a couple of chords with me. Might be worth checking out. She has many other videos about Porn Addiction as well.