41 days without porn - a record!

Haven’t gone this long without porn since I was probably 12 or 13 years old. I’m 31 now. Feeling good about that, although I can tell I’m nowhere near fully recovered.


Active Member
Hell yeah! Keep it up!
Do you have any insights or advice for those of us not that far along yet?
Hell yeah! Keep it up!
Do you have any insights or advice for those of us not that far along yet?
Take it one day at a time. Same mindset that I found worked when I was trying to get sober. You can’t jump to the end goal, and the process has a ton of ups and downs. But if you make the initial objective too big, you’ll discourage yourself and end up justifying a relapse.

Every time I feel tempted to watch porn, I simply remind myself that it doesn’t matter what I’m dealing with or how I’m feeling, porn is not going to help me. It’s not easy, but if you can get yourself into that mindset it certainly becomes easier. If you tell yourself you can’t do this and it’s too hard, you’re giving up before you really try.

I also think people set their expectations too high. If they’re having erectile issues or confidence ones they assume quitting will fix all of it, and then if it doesn’t they say “well what’s the point then” and go back to porn. But that’s the wrong way to look at it. The point of quitting porn is because it’s an unhealthy practice and if you’re here clearly not something you want as part of your life. Even if nothing else changes, ending that habit is a win.