My Reboot Progress - And Accountability Log!

Hey everyone!

Here is a bit of background on my situation, and the offical start of my journey to overcome this curse!

I am so glad to have found this community... this exact problem has been plaguing me for the longest time, and it is literally incredible to see it articulated so well in this group. I am happily married to the most GORGEOUS, sexy, incredible girl Ive ever met in my life, however over the last few years our sex life has left a fair bit to be desired. This is not due to "marriage changes things" (I am just as attracted to her today as I was the day I met her, sincerely) or any fading desire on either of our parts... its ENTIRELY to do with me. I haven't been able to perform for literally a few years now, and she has been nothing but supportive and understanding of my "ED". The spark is there, foreplay is magic, but when the time comes, I am unable. However, with porn (and in private) I have no issue; Im hard, feels great, aroused, cum a lot if edged... everything Id love to do with my partner (and have for years in the past). I've even subscribed to OnlyFans accounts of girls who resemble my wife (or is identical!) and I have no issue getting off that way... how fucked up is that!?? Spending money on a computer screen when I have the real thing right in my bed!?? I have always suspected my porn use has been the cause of my ED, and after discovering RebootNation, and watching Gabe Deem's brilliant videos, there is no doubt that I am suffering from PIED. I am thrilled that there is hope to recover from this, and I am committing to my Reboot RIGHT NOW.

I want to say that you are all absolute HEROES, for posting here and maintaining this forum. I will replace my tendency to find arousal from pixels and bring it back into my own real life. I want to be a father next year, and that is something else that will be robbed from me if I don't take the responsibility to begin this journey, ASAP. I will keep you all posted on my progress, and if anyone wants an Accountability Buddy, please let me know as I would love to be one, and have some!! Here's to one of the biggest self improvement journies of my (our) lives!!


Hello mate, yes, I need an accountability friend. Today is Day 1. My marriage has been sexless for many years. I love my kids and respect my partner and could not walk away from the relationship and family. I used porn regularly as a release valve. Now my youngest is 18 I have decided to start anew...trouble is I'm now addicted to porn and it is having a number of detrimental impacts on my life. We've got this!
Congrats on your Day 1! We are all in this together and I just know that we can do this. On the bright side (in your case), you have kids! My dream is to have one one day but this addiction is currently keeping me back from that. You are giving me extra motivation to keep at it, because I know it will all be worth it!


Honestly mate, the benfits of overcoming this silly addiction are myriad, so you have to understand that it's really, really important to slay this beast. I am on Day 4 now and have been laid low by flu, so plenty of oppourtunities to wank to porn, but I am so firmly committed that it hasn't taken much willpower, to be honest. Why let an unaccountable, multibillion dolar industry that is exploiting women, and men as well as you and me, have agency over your life?