Turning lemons into lemonade



I'm 39 years old and have been addicted to pmo for well over 15 years. I have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder which I attribute my triggers to (not blame, but identifying the source of dissatisfaction, emotional pain and suffering which I used pmo, drinking and smoking to alleviate) and there is a good chance that I am on the autism spectrum (awaiting diagnosis). I currently do not have a job and I'm living with my father whom, I know deep down, wants to see me living independently on my own. I'm grateful for his patience with my process. My interests include video games, writing (in the process of a fantasy adventure novel), reading, and petting cats at the local animal shelter. It's only after two forays into my state's mental hospital that I'm starting to realize that my video game hobby needs to be toned down and replaced with something else. I long to have a good relationship with a good woman but accept that the path to this goal is a long one, full of mysteries I am vaguely aware exist but have yet to unveil. You can't force this kind of change.

My addiction has gotten to the point where my testes are now sore every day. I feel confused with the information, or lack of information, around the neurological effects of long-term pmo abuse. Maybe I haven't looked hard enough. It's been a struggle just to maintain the belief that my pmo addiction is one of leading causes of my neurological symptoms, and the doubt that comes out of this has been the main trigger to feel that wonderful rush of dopamine one gets after o. "There's no problem with pmo. All the doctors say so!" is the excuse I keep using. There's a chance my brain works the way it does because of autism, but I can't help but strongly feel that 15+ years of 5-8 times pmoing a day had a negative result on my neurological health. I've tried talking to doctors about this but none can help. "It's normal" they said. "It's just a hit of dopamine" they said. Yeah, tell that to my screaming testicles.

It is with the awareness of the state of our planet and civilization that I am renewed in the effort to give my brain (and junk) the rest they sorely need. I believe dark times are ahead for our entire world and if I'm going to help in any way, I need to be in tip-top neurological shape. I am afraid for all of us Homo Sapien Sapiens and am using this fear to transform into something, anything, that resembles a light in the shadows of this planet. The only other recourse is death and my sense of self-preservation does not accept that.

So here I am. Vulnerable and seemingly broken but still seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck to everyone and thank you for reading.


Might as well start my first entry on the same day.
This whole "journaling" thing is going to be hard if no one comments on what I write. I grew up in an extremely invalidating environment from both family and friends and I'm still feeling the effects of it. I suppose that's the challenge of it all. I'm not gonna let the depression trigger me. I can't.
I haven't pmo for a while now, but I have o'd to my imagination and I'm not okay with that. No dopamine rushes for this brain, please. My goal is to hard mode it for 90 days. I think I've been successful for the past 5 days but I can never remember. I'll start this entry as day 1.
It doesn't matter what kind of tricks you have to keep porn away... you can always trick yourself back into the habit. I'm starting to believe this is a truth. We have to learn how to control ourselves. As hard as that may be.


Day 2 -- Me 1, Depression 0

Last night saw me in a pretty deep depression funk. I'm not exactly sure what triggered it. It could be the New Cold War that is going on or it could be my feeling helpless to contribute to a situation that I think is getting worse. Regardless... I did not look at porn! Hell, yes. Depression sucks but I guess I'm so used to it by now that I can just exist with it. I ended up playing a video game for an hour or so and then went to bed. Video games seem so passe now. They're just a part of the "profit over humanity" zeitgeist this entire world lives under, now. As fun and engaging as they are, its hard to justify using my time for them. I see them as the "opiate of the masses" just like football. Keep everyone's attention on this fun thing while other terrible injustices occur in the shadows. Humans. I'm gonna be a better human being.
Hey man, Excellent entries ant GREAT START!! I have just started my Reboot only two days ago myself, I am on Day 3 right now.

I agree with you that the journal writing is extremely helpful but only really beneficial if others comment, so I wanted to be there for you to let you know that I will be reading these, and I encourage you to read mine as well!!

The hardest thing to keep in mind (I have found so far, in my limited 3 days of experience lol) is that even casual perusal of what you used to use to arouse you is damaging. Just this morning, I was taking a break between work meetings and thinking "lets look at some tits on Reddit". Harmless, right? Im not going to PMO, HELL NO, but at least its fun to look at, right??! Well, yes, but EVEN THAT is a road to nowhere. That is fine when you're where you need to be, but WE ARE REBOOTING, so now is not the time for that. Do a Wordle. Crossword, something else! Rebooting is serious, and we all have to hang in there!!


Day 3: On the path

So far, so good. I seem to have no interest in porn anymore. I'm not sure what that means. Losing interest in video games is really telling to me. Change is upon me and even though I really enjoyed video games for the last 30 years, reality is winning out. It sucks because now I have to find something else to occupy my time. I guess that's part of the process.
Last night, my brain went on some sexy tangents but I didn't give in. Its not worth it in the end. Going to try and get outside today or maybe even do a little writing.

Day 3: PM

More depression. More anxiety. It doesn't seem to stop. I don't seem to get better. I eat well, I try to exercise. It's like I'm deficient somehow. I keep coming across the thoughts of "I'm done." I'm not gonna get better. I'm not gonna get that girlfriend I want because I'm too scared of "something" to even try. Its better to just find a simple job, a simple apartment and drink myself to death. At least I'll be enjoying myself as I go out. Yet, no pmo. Not sure how long this strength is going to last. Suffering seems to be written into my dna. #positivethoughtsbitch
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Respected Member
Hi Seafly. Just wanted to say that I like your journal title. My own avatar is a lemon - turning lemons into a lemonade. Let's make it so.

Wishing you good luck on your journey.



Day 4: Its all about the kitties

I went to the animal shelter today and hung out with the cats for about three and half hours. There's nothing quite as satisfying as the look on the kittys' faces when you just stroke them for a good 5 to 10 minutes. The appreciation they purr and show in their eyes really resonates with me. That and playing with the younger ones is a blast and a half. Awwwww! It's suffice to say that today was a good day. No pmo or mo from memory.

Last night's depression started making me think about drinking on the weekend. I'm not sure if I'm going to take myself up on that or not. I'm tired of suffering. And, sometimes, I don't see the point of trying to live a good life if I'm never going to have friends or a healthy relationship. It's too early to call it quitsies as there are still options for me, but those options are waning and at some point in my life I'm going call it "done" and just go homeless and drink myself to death. Now's not that time, but dammit I'm tired of feeling like shit.


Day 5: AM -- Snowy-day save?

To anyone who reads this: Sorry for the downer attitude. I know people like to read things that are positive and uplifting for their lives. I have the weird thing about being genuine and today I don't feel like lying through my teeth and saying how wonderful I feel. Because I don't feel wonderful. It's just unabashed honesty.

It snowed a bit today. A light touch, I would say. The sky is grey and a cold wind is blowing. I suppose that's the perfect metaphor for my internal workings because I'm having trouble justifying my existence today. There's this vague and murky belief-structure from my childhood that has rooted itself in my psyche, keeping me from opening up to people, women and general social life. I don't know what the belief is but its raining bombs on my self-confidence like a certain war going on right now. The idea of quitting this life is still strong; why should I continue to suffer like this? What's the point? It feels like a sunday where I should go somewhere in nature and drink a tall-boy of something sweet. Get some respite from the shittiness I'm experiencing. But, alas, my father would question my motives so maybe this snow day is saving me? I can't decide. Do I suffer in silence or lie to feel some relief and damn the consequences to my body? The hope that I can understand my mental state is still stronger than my desire to drink. The hope that going 90 days without mo rebooting my brain and helping me feel like I can accomplish things is still strong. But the longer I go on like this, the less resilience I will have. It's wearing me thin. How long can the human psyche hang on?

Day 5: PM -- Its all about the kitties, meow 2

I went back to the animal shelter today and hung out with the cats for 2.5 hrs. Connecting with animals is a pretty powerful thing for me. Connecting with anyone is pretty powerful. I still feel like drinking, though. Just not as strong as this morning. Still no PMO or MO. Strength. I hope this resilience shit's worth it.

Thought Farts:

It's hard for me not to see this when I'm mindlessly achieving goals and objectives in whatever videogame is sucking up my time. Its all part of our culture. The culture of consuming. We go to work, make money for our lives but help the businesses we work for make even more money. If we work for a large conglomerate we're just insignificant cogs in their wheel of profit. We take the money we make. We buy food. We buy drugs. We buy video games. We buy a netflix account. We buy whatever takes us away from the shitty lives we are forced to live. Are we really living? Is the consuming of television and computers really life? It can't be. I just don't believe it. But I've been a gamer for 30 years now. Loving every game I play. It's becoming clear to me that gaming is a vice, not a hobby. Would you consider smoking a hobby? I don't know if I'll ever quit video games. Thank goodness games don't give me lung cancer. But they're not healthy. Gaming is not part of a healthy society. Healthy societies are not run by profit motives, bright colors, blinking lights and realistic graphics. There's so much more to life that humans in our world civilization have been trained to not see. How do I help others to see it?
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[MO 0 -- Me 6]

Day 6: AM -- Red Pill Promise

This guy named Morpheus gave me a choice. He said, "If you want the truth, you'll take the red pill. If you want to keep living the illusion, take the blue pill." I took the red pill.

Porn = Blue Pill
Netflix = Blue Pill
Video games = Blue Pill
My mental state from abusing the above = Blue Pill
Clarity to what is happening around us on the planet = Red Pill

I'm not gonna let the powerful control me anymore. I'm not going to let greed change who I am. I'm not going keep feeding the cycle of consumption and violence. The planet needs our help for there are those who created the blue pill for a reason. They exemplify the worst of humanity. I will not become like them.

Day 6: PM

I zoned out on reddit today. Not the porn stuff, but just some interesting posts. It seems I keep defeating myself when I do this. I compare myself to the people who write responses and I always look worse than them. Its affecting my confidence. Why can't I be like everyone else who can successfully date and have even small flings? Why is this shit so hard for me? It makes me feel pathetic. Like I'm unworthy of love and attention. I'm a good man. But I'm scared of rejection and this belief that "I'm boring to be around" is just stuck in my psyche like an ear worm. This feels like a trigger to me, but I'll get through it. So far, so good.
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[MO: 0 -- Me: 7]

Day 7: AM -- Beachhead

A wounded soldier with a bullet in his stomach crawls up the beach. The pain was so bad he could barely think, but he kept inching his way forward.

Why am I doing this?

He thinks to himself.

Why do I keep going on suffering? Why not just end it and be done with it all?

He has no answer for himself, but something inside himself keeps him going. A sliver of hope, like a delicious cheeseburger, is stuck in his mind and won't let go. Freedom is at the end of this trail. Freedom from tyranny and hopelessness. The night is always darkest before the dawn.

Day 7: Conversation with my boys

Me: Aw, come on! Its just one release of dopamine!

My balls: Dude, we're exhausted. We've been overworked for 15 years and its time to give us a break.

Me: But-but its just...

My balls: Shut the fuck up and let us sleep. You OWE it to us!


Day 7: PM -- Kitty love for the soul

Spent 4 hours socializing with the cats at the shelter today. Doing this is nourishment for my soul. And for the kitties, too! There's only one cat that doesn't like me and that's because I'm a guy. Sexist feline... whatever, its all good. I think volunteering is the best decision I've made in a long time. It keeps my head and heart screwed on right and its good for the animals, too. Keeps me from getting triggered into drinking or PMO. Gotta keep this shit up!
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[MO: 0 -- Me: 8]

Day 8: AM

I don't have anything philosophical going on in my head so I'm gonna keep it simple today. Still MO free, I'm tired of snow and I'm craving pancakes and sausages for breakfast. Mood seems to be on the better side today. Hopefully it'll stay that way.

[MO: 0 -- Me: 8]

Day 8: PM

I swear to god if my brother keeps telling me what to do I'm going shove that horse's hoof so far up his ass he'll need to brush the horse shoe instead of his teeth. Not only that, I actually cleaned that spoiled horse's pen of the extra hay he doesn't like eating and the only response I get from my brother is "where did you put it?" How incompetent does he think I am that he has to worry about where I put the extra fucking hay? I can't stand that man. For someone so loving and kind to literally everyone and everything, he treats me like I'm some sort of petulant child that needs to be reigned in and checked every day. He can't even trust me to put hay where it belongs. Oh, I have to put the fucking carrot in the horse's food now. Me feeding the carrot by hand isn't good enough. Nothing I do is good enough for this man's perfection. It makes me feel incompetent and stupid. God I want to punch him in the face sometimes. Shut the fuck up you crazy perfectionist!

There. My rant is done. Hopefully I'll remember this for future use.
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[MO: 0 -- Me: 9]

Day 9: AM

Came close to relapsing this morning. I wish there was a switch that could turn the urge to procreate on and off. That push for a rush of dopamine is strong. Yeah, it has its evolutionary advantages, but we're not the same homo sapien sapiens we used to be millions of years ago. Now we use sex to take advantage of other people for money. I don't like this practice anymore.

Day 9: PM -- Discomfort

I left before Jeopardy was over just now (my family watches Jeopardy religiously). I can't seem to be around my brother and his girlfriend. They're nice and all. She's been nothing but kind to me, but I still can't do it. I hate being around him. I hate looking at him. I hate how he talks to me like I'm a problem. This seems like prime pmo mindset but fuck that! I'm better than that and I'm going to fucking get past 35 days! RAAAAAAAAAAAAR!
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Hey Seafly,
Glad to see you're waking up not only to your personal demons, but to the world around us. Our society is in deep, that's for sure. I can see through your posts that you're putting up the good fight. Keep going! The way our own brains conspire against us to get a "fix" is the absolute worst. Remember, feeling like s**t is a sign that you're getting better! Through your bettering of yourself, you're already building a better world, bud :)

Ever looked into the rewilding movement? It's all about undoing our society's corrupt domestication, and, at the very least, offers some good reads & might introduce you to some potential hobbies.

Stay strong, brother!


Active Member

I'm 39 years old and have been addicted to pmo for well over 15 years. I have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder which I attribute my triggers to (not blame, but identifying the source of dissatisfaction, emotional pain and suffering which I used pmo, drinking and smoking to alleviate) and there is a good chance that I am on the autism spectrum (awaiting diagnosis). I currently do not have a job and I'm living with my father whom, I know deep down, wants to see me living independently on my own. I'm grateful for his patience with my process. My interests include video games, writing (in the process of a fantasy adventure novel), reading, and petting cats at the local animal shelter. It's only after two forays into my state's mental hospital that I'm starting to realize that my video game hobby needs to be toned down and replaced with something else. I long to have a good relationship with a good woman but accept that the path to this goal is a long one, full of mysteries I am vaguely aware exist but have yet to unveil. You can't force this kind of change.

My addiction has gotten to the point where my testes are now sore every day. I feel confused with the information, or lack of information, around the neurological effects of long-term pmo abuse. Maybe I haven't looked hard enough. It's been a struggle just to maintain the belief that my pmo addiction is one of leading causes of my neurological symptoms, and the doubt that comes out of this has been the main trigger to feel that wonderful rush of dopamine one gets after o. "There's no problem with pmo. All the doctors say so!" is the excuse I keep using. There's a chance my brain works the way it does because of autism, but I can't help but strongly feel that 15+ years of 5-8 times pmoing a day had a negative result on my neurological health. I've tried talking to doctors about this but none can help. "It's normal" they said. "It's just a hit of dopamine" they said. Yeah, tell that to my screaming testicles.

It is with the awareness of the state of our planet and civilization that I am renewed in the effort to give my brain (and junk) the rest they sorely need. I believe dark times are ahead for our entire world and if I'm going to help in any way, I need to be in tip-top neurological shape. I am afraid for all of us Homo Sapien Sapiens and am using this fear to transform into something, anything, that resembles a light in the shadows of this planet. The only other recourse is death and my sense of self-preservation does not accept that.

So here I am. Vulnerable and seemingly broken but still seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck to everyone and thank you for reading.
I can only talk based off of my own experience. Porn broke me. It made it so I couldn't be intimate with my spouse. But "all the doctors say it's ok". Yep, I've been there. Kept PMO'ing for almost a year because of what the doctor's say. After a month and a half of no porn, I was able to have sex with my wife again. So from my experience porn is DEFINITELY unhealthy. I can't say it's a leading cause of your neurological symptoms, but daily use for all those years is for sure not helping. Keep it up. The only way to find out if porn is a problem for you is to stop watching porn. If you see an improvement, then keep going. If no changes, well you can decide if you want to watch again after.


Active Member
[MO: 0 -- Me: 8]

Day 8: AM

I don't have anything philosophical going on in my head so I'm gonna keep it simple today. Still MO free, I'm tired of snow and I'm craving pancakes and sausages for breakfast. Mood seems to be on the better side today. Hopefully it'll stay that way.

[MO: 0 -- Me: 8]

Day 8: PM

I swear to god if my brother keeps telling me what to do I'm going shove that horse's hoof so far up his ass he'll need to brush the horse shoe instead of his teeth. Not only that, I actually cleaned that spoiled horse's pen of the extra hay he doesn't like eating and the only response I get from my brother is "where did you put it?" How incompetent does he think I am that he has to worry about where I put the extra fucking hay? I can't stand that man. For someone so loving and kind to literally everyone and everything, he treats me like I'm some sort of petulant child that needs to be reigned in and checked every day. He can't even trust me to put hay where it belongs. Oh, I have to put the fucking carrot in the horse's food now. Me feeding the carrot by hand isn't good enough. Nothing I do is good enough for this man's perfection. It makes me feel incompetent and stupid. God I want to punch him in the face sometimes. Shut the fuck up you crazy perfectionist!

There. My rant is done. Hopefully I'll remember this for future use.
Maybe try punching him in the face one day lol. Brothers.....


Active Member
Might as well start my first entry on the same day.
This whole "journaling" thing is going to be hard if no one comments on what I write. I grew up in an extremely invalidating environment from both family and friends and I'm still feeling the effects of it. I suppose that's the challenge of it all. I'm not gonna let the depression trigger me. I can't.
I haven't pmo for a while now, but I have o'd to my imagination and I'm not okay with that. No dopamine rushes for this brain, please. My goal is to hard mode it for 90 days. I think I've been successful for the past 5 days but I can never remember. I'll start this entry as day 1.
It doesn't matter what kind of tricks you have to keep porn away... you can always trick yourself back into the habit. I'm starting to believe this is a truth. We have to learn how to control ourselves. As hard as that may be.
Have you researched flatline? Be aware of it. Know that it's coming. Learn what it feels like. It....SUCKS. But if you're aware of what's happening when you go through it it'll be easier.


Hey Seafly,
Glad to see you're waking up not only to your personal demons, but to the world around us. Our society is in deep, that's for sure. I can see through your posts that you're putting up the good fight. Keep going! The way our own brains conspire against us to get a "fix" is the absolute worst. Remember, feeling like s**t is a sign that you're getting better! Through your bettering of yourself, you're already building a better world, bud :)

Ever looked into the rewilding movement? It's all about undoing our society's corrupt domestication, and, at the very least, offers some good reads & might introduce you to some potential hobbies.

Stay strong, brother!

I like you already! Thank you for positive reinforcement. :)
Also, that rewilding shit sounds like its up my alley. Gonna have a good think about this stuff. Thanks!
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Have you researched flatline? Be aware of it. Know that it's coming. Learn what it feels like. It....SUCKS. But if you're aware of what's happening when you go through it it'll be easier.

Thank you! I think at this point I don't really care if I don't feel my libido. Sometimes I want to just chemically castrate myself and call it good. All this jerking off doesn't do anyone any good, especially me.