Could use some help


New Member
I am getting more and more motivated in qutting this stupid thing. It is simply affecting our lifes and our brains.
As you only got one brain.. Is it not enough so you take good care of it?

Ok. And here is the problem. I need some tips, or even some motivation for Doing that.We are a community and we must work hard to help each other.. One for all and all for one.. Ok.. This my 14 day without no contact so.. That is a little difficult.


Active Member
Read the e-book!

I've been reading it every night since I got it, it's helping me acknowledge so much on the topic and got me even more motivated to hold on through!

A great way of putting your sexual energy in a good cause is to work-out.
I recently joined a gym and I can't stress enough how great this worked out for me!

Link to the e-book:

If there is no way you can pay, there are always alternatives.


New Member
Stay strong man, impossible joy awaits you. Let go of the urge to PMO. Let it pass you by like a gust of wind. Relax. Do the right thing even though it doesn't provide instant gratification. You can do it!


New Member
That sounds just great.. Thank you.. I am reading posts and it is nice.. Really inspiring

If you had the strong to start doing something, then you definitely have the power to stop that.. Everything else is pure rational.


I found that having lots of things to do to keep me busy/occupied really helps. Even if it is just playing a game on my phone. If I find myself getting tempted I grab my phone and fire up a game. My biggest problem is head porn. It can creep in at any time or place and finding something else to focus on seems to me the best way to get away from it. Just thinking 'I must not think about that' doesn't help much at all.


Active Member
The issue (from my perspective) is that the only thing you are doing is quiting porn while you must change more than that to get rid of it.
You sadly can't expect just to get the urges away, you need to keep yourself occupied with other activities.

Doing a work-out, learning a new instrument, joining a club etc can do wonders!


Motivation has absolutely been my biggest problem in rebooting- I just didn't have any. Unlike drugs and alcohol porn won't usually put people in jail or have them puking at work- for me it was just a big time waster and something that seemed completely out of line with who I am. Unfortunately that isn't a massive motivation.

What I've started to see though after abstaining and relapsing several times now is that my mood is 10 times better after two or three days with nofap. I would suggest journals or some type of tracking of your mood- knowing that I will actually feel better throughout the day without fapping is a good motivation- do I want to sacrifice days of energy and positive feelings for what ends up being a very short period of fapping? I have done that but I don't want to and I'm absolutely sure that I feel much much better after abstaining.