My 1st post.


Hi everyone. This is my very first time writing here, or on any forum. I'm really nervous right now about doing this, even though I know noone here can see me, or knows me. But I have been fighting with myself and this damn porn addiction for decades. I always figured I would have to beat this on my own. I never had anyone there to offer true encouragement and help. It wasn't until last year (2021), that I finally realized that I need to get help from others to conquer this demon. Finally, after much time looking around, procrastinating, and praying, I'm taking the leap and reaching out to others who I truly hope will understand me and be willing and able to help me. I don't want to make this too long right now, so I'll end with a few facts about myself. I'm 48 yrs old. As a child, I lived with my mother who was extremely violent both verbally and physically. She was also very controlling and suspicious of everyone, including me. I lived a hellish nightmare of a childhood til my mid teens. For a couple of years after getting away from my mother, I experienced a happiness and freedom I never knew existed. It was literally, I think, the happiest time of my entire life. But in my late teens/ early 20s, I starting watching shows on tv that were sexually exciting me. This lead to fapping. Which led to porn use. Which lead to addiction and isolation. Which has lead to some 30 yrs of misery. tbc


Active Member
You took an incredibly brave and necessary step, by telling some of your story and coming here to this forum. I feel like it's truly been the difference in the success I've had so far. Having support and being open and honest are huge in rebooting. Continue to journal here, read others experiences, and share your triumphs and hardships. You'll find nothing but support and encouragement.


Respected Member
Well done for taking the first step to recovery. You now know how to get your life back and repair yourself. You’ve got a lot of support here so stick around this forum and ask as many questions as you like, maybe evn start a journal in the journal section.