Someone help!? Am I back at day 1!?

I have been porn free for about a year now but I have a girlfriend that I've had for a 3 years so I'm not orgasm free for any point of my recovery period but have noticed steady recovery still I got to the point where it was just about completely full on! But the other day I glanced at a few of the leaked pictures of celebrities the other day but only for a few minutes and I never masturbated directly to them, or really fantasizes about them, and they were far less hardcore than anything I ever used to look up. Yet the past few days I have been going through a flatline or what seems like one, my girlfriend and I tried to have sex but I could never get even remotely hard! I need help I feel the same way today and I'm scared I am back at the start or close to it!?
About a year without porn and then about a week ago I glanced at the pictures for maybe 15-20 minutes. But masturbation and orgasm have been a regular occurrence, however up until this week I've noticed a fairly steady increase in my erection strength


Don't place too much importance on a single incident. 20 minutes are certainly not going to erase one year's progress. However, be wary! We all have days when we're not in the best mood and are likely to indulge in things we end up regretting. That's natural, but he who is aware of that risk is better off.
I've definitely struggled with myself not to look (further) for those leaks, I openly admit that. For me, it helped to read female journalists' comments on why looking at leaked private photos is just morally wrong. Even now, I still read every article on that topic that pops up on, say, the Guardian's website or so.
Long story short: Don't beat yourself up over that. Recognize that you were in a dangerous situation and could have done better. Next time, just do so and you're going to be fine. All the best!


I've been in your shoes many times before. Sometimes your poor performance has more to do with the anxiety of relapsing than anything- not to imply that you should take the 20 minute viewing lightly. If you feel anxious about getting intimate, try some relaxation techniques: meditate before seeing your girlfriend, joke around with her, etc.
Congratulations on doing well with your recovery! Good luck!
